The match

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Weeks, days and months went by and both Sasha an Brie did everything in their power to just train and then avoid each other. Both were right, knowing that what happened last time was a once in a lifetime thing. They felt awkward around each other and others picked up on it but said nothing, thinking the two had a disagreement. Totally wrong they are.

Tonight is the night. The night were Sasha will face Brie at WrestleMania for the divas championship. The night she was excited yet nervous for. She continuously prayed that their match go as plan. She smiled at Becky and Charlotte who both came to congratulate her and warm her up. Brie was with Nikki and Nattie. Nikki was making sure Brie stay calm and her ring gear is on point. Nikki was proud of her sister and knew that she will put on a good match especially with Sasha. Knowing that the two aren't exactly on speaking terms. "Brie you kick some butt for the veterans." Nattie said to Brie making her laugh and side hug her long time friend here. "Nikki do I look okay?" Brie ask her sister who place a curl in Brie's hair and cup her cheek. "You're a Bella, you look phenomenal." Nikki said shocking both Brie and Nattie by her use of a big word. Nikki bowed making both divas smile, easing Brie's nerves. Which  didn't last long because she is now being called to the gorilla because her match is on next.

Brie and Sasha looked at each other and both thought the other look great. Sasha wore all gold ring gear and even her jacket now has gold glitter instead from the silver it usually has. She wore her cranberry red hair, straightly down with light makeup and pink glossy lips like Brie's lip.
Brie's gear was red, black and diamond. The top was a red sweetheart cut with diamonds to the very top of it, her shorts were similar to her sister's, Nikki, just with 'BRIE MODE' written to the back on the waistline. Her shorts were black and her black boots. Brie wore her hair wavy down and matching make up to Sasha same color lips but different eyeshadow.

Both Sasha and Brie couldn't help but admire each other, knowing that the way the next looks will always stay with them. They send each other a smile and wish each other good luck before Brie went out first upon hearing her music. "Form Scottsdale Arizona, she is the divas champion, BRIE BELLA!!!" JoJo announced. Brie lift her title in the air and smiled walking down the ramp, nerves slowing fading hearing the crowd cheer Lightly. She flipped over the ring, picking up her title and standing on the second rope with it in one hand the next waving at fans. Wow, 100,000 people. That's how much people is in attendance.

Brie's music stop and Sasha's hit. The boss walked out with her glasses receiving both boos and cheers as JoJo announced her. This is epic, this is surreal, Brie thought. Sasha dance on the apron before entering and taking off her jacket, Brie struggled not to stare so she hand her title to the ref.

"This match is schedule for one fall. Title will change via pinball or submission." JoJo announce as the ref held the title in the air before handing it to someone outside. The bell ring and Sasha kicked Brie out of the ring just as planned . That already has the crowd invested. Sasha smirked and stepped out the ring. "Who's the boss?" She asked receiving cheers and boos as she picked Brie up by her hair and throw her back into the ring. Brie held her back and slowly made it to her feet as Sasha soak up the glory. When Sasha turn around she received a kick. Brie raised her hand and the cheers began.

Ten minutes later in the back and forth match, Brie has Sasha up on the top rope. Brie then delivered a DDT from the top rope, sending the crowd crazy. "Did Brie just DDT from the top rope?!" Jerry excitedly exclaimed. The reaction of the crowd is making her smile. She went for the pin but Sasha got her leg on the rope, breaking it up. Brie grunted and hit the match frustrated. She position Sasha to the bottom rope. Running to perform the running knee but Sasha slid out the ring. Brie yelled at her to get back in the ring but Sasha shook her head 'no'. Brie then groaned and exit the ring to peruse Sasha. That was when Sasha side step her before grabbing Brie by her hair and sending her into the barricade with force. Sasha received lots of boos but the crowd is loving it. "I'm the baddest!" Sasha shouted in a man's face who was booing her before turning and grabbing Brie. "I'd prove it to you." She said to that same man. She set Brie on the slim edge of the barricade, climbing up on it too. Sasha then winked at the camera that was on her before performing a neck breaker on Brie, sending her to the ground. Brie landed weirdly, half her body on the floor the next part on the barricade, her feet part. If you can hear the crowd now you'd think its the Rock vs Shawn Michaels happening right now, but it isn't, it's the divas. Sasha knew that count out don't count so she pulled and lifted Brie back into the ring.

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