I need to speak to you

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Sasha's pov

Summer slam came super quick and I don't feel excited about it at all. Okay, well not at all, I'm glad for it but at the same time I just don't know how it'll go. Brie and I had a big argument and we haven't spoken since, she just gave me the cold shoulder. I have no idea why that it is but it's been two months since it started to happen. My life just fell, I was happy with her and I was happy being Finn's friend now both those things have changed. I know why Finn and I aren't no longer close friends but I don't know why me and Brie aren't whatever we are and I intend to find out before our match.

I walked around looking for Brie. We don't have much time. Our match is two matches into the show and I just need to find Brie and work things out. Because everyone can tell we aren't as we use to be and if we are going to pull off a turn tonight we need to get everything out in the open. I'm not expecting us to kiss but just to be okay at least and a good okay not a bad one like we are now.

"Brie I need to speak to you." I told the pretty diva who was talking to the usos. She looked at me then at them and my face remained serious. I know it's rude but I'm not even acknowledging Jimmy and Jey.

"About what?" She questioned trying not to have an attitude but she does.

"About our match. Like really badly." I stated though I'm lying a bit. Jimmy and Jey looking at us intensely. Brie eyes burned onto me and I feel the anger.

"Is Nikki and Naomi going to be there?" I'm growing really annoyed because I know she knows exactly why I would need to speak to her. I rolled my eyes not caring who saw.

"Brianna no they are not going to be there but it isn't needed. We need to get our shit together." I tried to keep my voice as calm as ever but I'm sure you can hear the effort to do so in my voice.

"I got all my shit together. I remember everything." The way she said everything makes me think she ain't just talking about the match but were we ever?

"Brie! Just come with me. I need to speak with badly. I don't care if you don't want to but we need too." The Usos eyes widen as amused little smirks keep across their faces more so Jimmy's.

Brie shook her leg thinking about it, she isn't happy but I don't care. "Lead the way boss." I glanced at her up and down before turning away and walking away. I heard her tell Usos goodbye and then her footsteps behind me. "This way." I stated making the turn she said nothing but followed me. I opened a door and checked inside to see no one. "Here." I opened the door and stepped aside allowing she to enter before me. I shut the door.

"What was so important that you needed to talk to me?" She folded her arms and sat on the table that is here.

"You know damn well why? Out of no where you stopped speaking to me. Why?" I questioned and she shook her head with a anger smile on her face. "Brie we need to be on the same page tonight."

"We will be I remembered everything and we are turning on each other I think the real life anger will take it to a whole other level." I sighed because she has point.

"Yes but when actual anger and storyline mix sometimes it leads to bigger drama backstage, it makes people's job in jeopardy. I don't want that for us." Honestly I don't. We have enough chemistry to pull off the anger on screen.

"Fine since you care so much. Tell me Mercedes did you do anything that will make me feel this way?" She questioned dead serious, she used my real name. I think of Finn and the kiss and there is no way she knew about that. And I don't want to make her angrier at me.

"No. Not that I can think of." I lied. She looked at hurt.

"Wow. I knew we weren't a couple of anything but I never thought you'd lie to me. And because we were not together I had thought you would have tell me about kissing Finn." Shit she knew. How? "I heard you two arguing about it." She read my mind and answered. "And you lied to me again when I just asked, we may not be together Sasha but we were friends and I hate friends who lie to me." She spat.

Brie got up from the table and bumped pass me. "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you." I muttered looking over my shoulder at her. Her eyes sad almost looking like they want to tear up. "But you did." And like that she left me there.

I stood there with tears in my eyes. I hate Finn! I shouldn't have kissed back. I should have told her! I hate myself so much. She meant so much to me now I not only hurt her but myself as well. Great going boss.

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