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Brie's pov

I've been so cranky and annoyed for two weeks now. It's been two weeks since Finn debuted. Two weeks since Sasha started neglecting me. Two weeks since Finn and Sasha are always together. Two weeks since our relationship or whatever became non existent. Two weeks since- no, actually one week and five days since I started to hate Finn. The other two days I understood that she was excited and all but it's like her excitement doesn't want to leave and she barely talks to me because she is oh so busy with Finn. Fucking Finn.

"Hey KO." I greeted, sitting down besides him in the catering room. Kevin is an A class dick on tv but is actually pretty nice, I mean he still have sass but he is funny. "Hey, Brie. What brings you here?" He asked, eating a mouthful of lettuce. I shrug, nothing really brought me to him. "Nothing, I like your new hair style." It is almost the same but neater and a bit darker. Kevin rolled his eyes at me. "My wife insisted. I honestly don't see the difference neither do the guys." I snickered at that, opening my container which had my lunch consisting of fish and salad. "Oh god, don't tell me you came over here because you think I'm a diva now?" He feigned fear but there is actually some real fear in eyes, just a pinch though. I laughed and shook my head. "No Kevin, that's not the reason." I picked up a forkful of food. "How are you children? I saw Owen when he came to guest star on up up down down." I place the fork in my mouth, starting a conversation. He immediately began to smile, he loves his kids so much. "They are great. Owen love the fact I'm a bad guy while the next one tells me to be nicer." I laughed at that part, children are so precious. "They are wonderful. You and wife are doing a great job." I honestly commented. He looked at me proudly with a genuine smile, flattered. "Thanks Brie it means a lot." He rubbed my arm a bit. "Don't mention it."

I remained sitting with KO talking and whatever, Nikki and Seth came over to us.

"Brie, you've barely been hanging with Sasha lately, you two fall out or something?" Seth asked, grabbing my food and eating it, I glared at him hardly. Seth and I are cool, despite the fact, we didn't go out on that date. We know there is no hate between us. He is cool, I'm cool, we are good friends.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask about that but seem to forget because I didn't quite care." At least he is honest, I referred to Kevin words mentally. Nikki looked up from her phone at me, to hear my answer, meaning she too have noticed.

"No, she is just busy with Finn, I guess. We're fine though." I think, or maybe I'm lying. Sasha and are fine, but I'm pissed with her. Nikki raised her eyebrows in a quick motion, obviously meaning no good by it. "What is it Nikki? And don't tell me nothing because I know you." I demanded, she gave me a sassy look, slouching a bit.

"Fine. It's just I was thinking, that if I were you I'd be angry, that after we became such good friends she barley speaks to me because she found back her old toy." Nikki gave me a piece of her mind, I was demanding and she is right. I feel the same way but I don't think it's my place to get angry.

"I know, I feel so too. But it's not like it is my place for me to get angry because she has a new friend and say 'hey, stop hanging with him and hang with me'. " I ranted on saying, before slouching over on the table. "I'd seem needy and clingy."

"I get where you are coming from. I'd feel the same as both of you. But I would tell her, if they are my friend then I should feel free enough to tell them how I feel, whether I seem clingy or not, they'd have to deal with it." Seth gave me his opinion and I nodded, thinking about it, he is right. Owens started to make disagreeing noises. "What?" Seth asked him as we look at him.

"I'm not saying your wrong no. But all I'm saying is that 'friend' is suppose to know how you feel. It only makes sense the next person won't exactly feel thrilled and I'm sure part of them will know that. So if they can't come up and at least ask if you are fine with them hanging with that person so much or at least make some time for you. I'd say next time when their friend isn't there and they come and want to talk to me, I'd walk off. Because I'm not somebody's second choice." Oh, shit, I agree with Kevin too.

"You are both right now I'm confused." I said in a crying voice, though I'm not crying, flopping my head down on the table.

"I say do both. Maybe not tell her that you need some attention but ask her to hang out with you and if she declines and say no because of Finn then do what Owens said." I looked at Nikki who shrugged after saying.

"Wow, I'm impressed." I clapped and the other two joined leaving Nikki to blush and feel honored. "Dating John is doing you good." She blushed even harder making us laugh which led to her flipping us off. I then looked at Seth. "Dude you finished my meal!!" I exclaimed now realizing. He gave me a cute smile.

"Oops." I rolled my eyes at that but paid it no attention afterwards.

Hours later I've just finished competing in a match alongside Sasha. We walked backstage and she drank some water.

"Oh I've been wondering if you want to hang out tomorrow. Like go sight seeing or something?" I asked hopping she'd say yes. She thought about it, making me a bit angry because I know Finn is in her head.

"Yeah, sure." She happily told and hugged me. I beamed brightly before my smile faltered when she said. "Okay I've got to go by Finn." I didn't show my sorrow and sadness instead I smile. At least I'd have her tomorrow, so there will be no need for Owens' plan.

(A/n: do you guys think Brie is wrong an jealous over nothing or she is right. How would feel if you were Brie? Comment and like 💋❤️)

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