Because and Maybe

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Took forever to update, sorry 😭 I have like no excuse for that though, oops 😟😂😅 anyway I hope you enjoy 🤗

Sasha's pov

After our match at SS and all the sexual tension to the end and our fight in the parking lot I couldn't get Brie out of my head and I couldn't stand the fact that she was mad at me. I knew I blew off Seth but I could careless. He'd bounce back, I told myself as I drove to the hotel Brie was staying at. Turns out we booked different hotels. I had to message Nikki and explained to her that I wanted to apologize to Brie in order for her to give me the floor and room number Brie was staying it. Nicole is task, when she is being protective over her baby sister.

I exit the car and walked into the fancy hotel. "You came to see me." A wild Dean appeared from nowhere, besides me. I rolled my eyes. "Where is Renee when you need her." I referred to his girlfriend as of recently. He chuckled at my words, amused, removing his hat to fix his hair only to put his hat back on. I will never understand that, I thought to myself. "Probably would have been beating your ass now had you said yes." He joked and I managed to crack a smile at his monotoned voice. "I can kick some serious ass but we all know scary Renee is a beast." I replied back making us both crack up a bit. "I'm waiting here for Ro. Are you going up to your room?" He said then asked, I shook my head. "Nope. I don't stay here." I answered and quickly walk away, to elevator, before he can question me any further. "I'd find out why!" I heard Dean shouted at me, I turned back around and smiled at him, waiting for the door to open, I walked in and saw him pointing to his eyes then at me. I've got my eyes on you, his hand message told. I flipped him the bird and closed the lift door, smiling to myself at our banter before pressing the floor I was going.

Reaching, I knocked on the door with the number Nikki told me was Brie's. I really hope it was Brie and not some weirdo killer. "Good-" her greetings, stopping when she saw me standing there. Her jolly exterior washing away, instantly. Rude, but expected. "What?" Oh wow, what a change of attitude in less than a second. I inhaled and looked at her. "I'm sorry." I apologized. She rolled her brown eyes tiredly at me, which didn't shock me. "You said that already." Brie dully spoke, beginning to close the door on me, I pulled the handle, opening it and pushing pass her to enter. It won't be that easy sweetheart, I thought. "Really?" She dully asked, closing the door and walking over to the bed. "Yup." I casually replied.

"Sasha now isn't the time for you to be all playful and do shit like basically breaking an entry." Breaking an entry? Seriously? "I don't want to see you." Her words, tear a piece of me but I held it together. I looked at the new women's title on her bed. "You seemed like you wanted much more than to just see me in our match tonight." I snakily replied. She gasped and her eyes darken. I watched as she shook it off, seemingly tired of me. "Okay." Out of all the things that she could said, that one was the worst. And I know people will be like how? That's the best. No, it's not. It's means she is doing fighting. That she is tired. That she is done with me.

With my dropped heart and punched feelings, I let my sincerity take over. "I'm sorry for lying Brie. It was dumb of me." I meant it. "I'm sorry for trying to flip it on you when it was all my fault. I'm sorry for everything." I saw her eyes staring into mine, looking to see if there were any signs if I was lying or joking, there wasn't. "Why did you find it necessary to lie?" Her voice calmer and much more nicer than when she was talking to me earlier. "Fright I guess." I shrugged because thinking back now, I couldn't pin point exactly why. "Like you said we weren't together, so why were you scared?" This calm, striking question asking Brie is taking me by surprise and leaving me speechless. "Still. I guess I didn't want to ruin whatever it was. I couldn't." I said deep in thought, searching for the perfect reason why but I didn't find it, it was a mesh of different things.

"You basically made me feel like shit." Brie so calmly spoke it beat me up even more, because without the yelling and harshness in Brie's voice I couldn't get angry and without the anger all she could have felt was pain and it was so bloody painful.
"I know and I'm so bloody sorry. I feel like shit for making you feel like shit." I poured my honest feelings to her, receiving a smile. "Maybe. Maybe, this was for the best. Maybe we needed to end. So I'm done fighting and fussing. Let's just be friends and solely friends no fighting, no kissing, no late nights. Just friends." Brie suggested and I can hear and see how tired she is with this whole mess. But her suggestion crushed me.

"I want to say yes but can't. Because after everything that happened between us Brie, I crave you. I crave you darn badly."

She scoffed and bitterly laugh at my confession, I had said with so much emotion. "Sure knew how to make me see that." Not only her words but her whole action and state just oozed sarcasm and disbelief. Huffing at her hard state, I straightened up. "Your actions at the moment aren't making me feel all that good." Trying to be mature and open about my emotions, I told her but that had seemed to trigger her.

"My actions?!?" She exclaimed with wide eyes, in utter shock and I don't get why. She was making me feel really bad, so I shrugged and nodded. "Mercedes! You made me feel like shit!" The raw intensity in her voice made me bit my lip in an almost cowardly way, because truthfully seeing her like this scares me. "You made me feel like I wasn't enough. Like was overreacting -and maybe I was - but it hurts! I felt that maybe you went with Finn because he had so many things I couldn't give you, for one being a dick. A dick I clearly don't have and don't want to have. You made me feel like maybe I should have given you sex and you wouldn't have even think about Finn. That maybe this was my fault. That maybe you were playing me and probably still is."

Hearing all the things she had to say, put in prospective, that my feelings getting hurt just now was nothing compared to hers.

"That's not true. Finn happened because I slipped. Because we weren't together actually. Because I was curious. Because I thought I liked him in that way. Because I was excited. Because I didn't wanted to let him down." My eyes met hers for this point, "Because I was stupid." Her eyes bored into mine and I see how torn she is. But I'm not. I'm not torn, I know I want her. Just her. "None was because your fault. I didn't tell you because I was scared you'd hate me or whatever and I'm sorry for lying. But trust me Brie, it wasn't because you don't have a dick." I found myself snickering at my last words because it was a tad funny though I could see where she might have gotten that point.

"Well maybe it should be. Because I'm never going to get that, even with surgery, I don't want one. And if I don't have one I'm not sure I can give you sex because I really don't know how this girl on girl thing works and sooner or later you and I will need sex and it will cause us to drift apart and its best we end it now." She listed, more like rambled but she meant it.

You know what? I've had enough of this non-sense and all these words that just lead to more words which lead to confusion and hurt.

Rolling my eyes and I rushed towards and kissed her for my dear life and with her stubborn nature she tried to resist but eventually caved in. "We'll figure it out." I whispered to her before pushing her down on the bed and getting on top of her. Her eyes glimmering. "We will." She smiled and returned to kissing me, in the dirtiest way possible which I completely love. Like it's making me hot as fuck and I'm certain she knows that.

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