Chapter 36: Teenagers & Babies

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          A couple of weeks have passed as Max continues to excel at school. Payge, on the other hand, puts the two through their paces, trying their best to control her. Jason and Palmer are happier than ever—haven't heard anything else from Palmer's deranged father. But lately, Jason feels like she's keeping something from him as he notices a little change in her behavior. That must be where his daughter gets it from here.

          It's the middle of the week, and Palmer and the kids are in the living room watching TV when Jason pulls in the driveway—finally home from work.

          "Hey guys," Jason greets his family. He pulls off his jacket and hanging it on the back of the chair. He walks farther into the living room and rustles Max's hair, knocking Payge's phone out of her hand and finally planting a kiss on his wife's lips.

          "How was work? You look tired," Palmer says.

          "It was tiring," sitting down.

          "You want tea or something before dinner?"

          "No, I'm fine," Jason smiles softly.

          Payge looks up from her phone, "Dad can I go to a party with a friend on Friday?"

          "Um no," Jason says with no hesitation still looking at the TV.

          Max chuckles.

          "But why not?! Everyone's going," Payge moans to her father.

          "Oh, Payge you are going to give me an ulcer one day," rubbing his temple.

          Payge rolls her eyes, Palmer kissing Jason's head, "You hungry?"

          "Yeah, a little bit."

          "Dinner in ten minutes guys," Palmer says before walking into the kitchen.

          Jason yawns, eyes still on the TV, Max on his laptop and Payge on her phone (surprise), Jason begins to doze off.

          "Payge, come help me set the table," Palmer calls out.

          "He's falling asleep on the couch," Payge informs her mom when she walks in.

          "Who? Dad? Poor thing. He's working so hard and Payge I already told you, you can't go to that party. There wasn't much point to asking dad," Palmer says.

          "You guys never let me do anything. I'm not a little girl mom," Payge mumbles.

          "Umm mom, dad's passed out on the couch," Max says.

         "You guys set the table for me, I'll go wake him up," Palmer pats her son's shoulder, walking into the living room. "Honey," she murmurs.

          "Mm yeah?" Jason opens his eyes.

          "Come eat babe."

          Running a hand through his hair, he gets off the couch and follows Palmer to the dining room. Payge and Max are already sitting down at the table.

          The kids disappear after dinner and Palmer gets started on the dishes while Jason takes a shower. Coming upstairs a few minutes later she walks into the bedroom looking for Jason. He's lying in bed in some sweatpants, positioned on his stomach, his arms under the pillows—passed out.

          Changing into her nightgown, she climbs into the bed, kind of glad that he has fallen asleep because then Jason won't ask her why she's been acting funny. Palmer knows Jason has noticed. Jason begins to snore, that usually is an indicator of how tired he is. Laying there beside her husband, she then hears an unexplained noise, she sits up and looks around not knowing where it's coming from. After she hears it again, she moves off the bed and makes her way to the kid's rooms.

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