Chapter 37: Breaking the News

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          It's been a little over three weeks since Palmer revealed to Jason that she is pregnant with child number three. They haven't told the kids yet. Payge has been grounded for three weeks and of course super mad at her parents for dragging it. Sticking to her word, Palmer has driven Payge to school and back home every day—it's getting very exhausting for her.

          Getting home from work later that evening, always ready to come home and spend time with his family, Jason walks in and sees Max sitting on the couch watching TV and doing homework, making his way to the laundry room.

          "Hey Max."

          "Hey dad."

          Jason walks into the laundry room and kisses his wife on the lips,    "hey babe."


          "So are we telling them tonight?" Jason asks, anxious to tell his kids.

          "Sure," Palmer smiles. "We can't put it off any longer. How was work?"

          "It was good. A little slow."

          Palmer shuts the washer door and looks up at Josh. "I'm going to take a nap before dinner, I'm exhausted," she kisses him softly and walks out.

          Jason walks out to the living room and sits down in his lounge chair, leaning back. The TV on ESPN, loving having a son.

          "Is mom okay?" Max asks.

          "Yeah she's fine," Jason smiles.

          "She's always tired. You're a doctor dad I'd take a look at her if I were you."

          "I'm a Pediatric Surgeon. There's a difference."

          "A surgeon is a doctor who operates on people. If anything you should be better than an average doctor," Max smiles at his dad, always full of smart answers.

          "You know sometimes you are too smart for your own good," Jason winks.

          "I just hope you're looking after her."

          "What do you mean man?" Jason sighs. "Of course I'm taking care of her."

          "I know dad it's just I've noticed she's always tired these days."

          "Taking care of you and your sister tires her out," Jason winks at his son.

          "It's all Payge trust me," Max laughs.

          Like clockwork, Payge comes down the stairs—her arms folded. "Dad can I have my phone back yet?" she sulks. Page clearly upset with them still.

          "If I remember correctly you still have like four more days of being grounded."

          "But I've been really good for so long! Pleaseeee," dragging it out and smiling at her dad.

          "I don't think four more days is going to kill you," winking at Payge.

          "Daddyyy pleasseeee," moaning to her father.

         "Noooo Payge."

          "You guys are the meanest parents in the whole world! I hate you!" she screams, stomping back up the stairs. Her bedroom door slamming.

          "What's Payge's issue?" Palmer asks Jason coming down the stairs. Max no longer down in the living room with his father.

          "She's mad I won't give her the phone four days early."

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