Chapter 8: Consulting the Lawyer

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          Later in the evening after the trio eat dinner and Jen leaves, Jason makes his way to the sink to wash some dishes. Not hearing Palmer walk into the kitchen, she slides her arms around him, Jason smiling when she does.

          "You okay?"

          "Yeah," Palmer mutters. "Thanks for dinner, it was lovely."

          "You're welcome. Do you want to go upstairs and get ready for bed? I'll finish up here."

          "Okay, don't be long," Palmer says—disappearing upstairs.

         Watching her go upstairs, he pulls out his phone, contacting their lawyer. Jason knows he needs to put an end to all this.

          "Hey Jason," she greets.

          "I need to talk to you. Palmer doesn't know I'm doing this."

          She sighs, "Are you sure you don't want her to know? What can I do for you?"

          "I want her father locked up. I'm tired of him showing up out of nowhere and harassing her."

          "Did something happen? Doing this without her knowledge is impossible. She will need to sign an affidavit confirming he has broken the terms of his restraining order."

          "You can't do anything? He's showed up at the restaurant on our anniversary demanding money from her. I gave him $10,000 even though I wanted to call the cops, but Palmer wouldn't let me. And tonight, he stops her at the mall demanding more money. He had a hold of her," Jason says sternly.

           "Well it's definitely enough to put him away, but I will need confirmation from Palmer otherwise it will be pointless trying to do anything. Do you think you can maybe talk to her? See what she says to him?"

          "She's going to tell me no," Jason sighs closing his eyes.

          "You get to talking to her, and you call me back. Goodnight Mr. Careins."

          "Goodnight," Jason sighs, hanging up before walking upstairs.  "Babe, can I talk to you?" Jason asks, getting undressed for bed.


          "I told our lawyer."

          "Why?" Palmer sits up.

          "Because I think your dad needs to be locked up," Jason sighs. Palmer not commenting back. "He's touched you twice...look at your arm," grabbing it and showing Palmer the giant bruise.

          "I've seen it," she mutters, pulling her arm away from Jason's hand.

          "You don't think he should be put away for what he's been doing? You know he still uses Palmer."

          "I'm scared he might come after us when he gets out."

          "Well, for right now, I'm tired of seeing you live in fear." 

           "Fine," Palmer cuts him off. "When does she want to see us?"

          "You're going to be pissed at me aren't you?" Jason ignoring the question.

          "No of course not."

          "I love you, you know that right?"

           "I love you too," she nods. "I'm sorry about all this. I never intended for any of this to happen."

           "It's not your fault," Jason sighs, kissing her softly.

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