Chapter 16: Talk of the Big Move

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          The next day rolls around, and Jason and Palmer have had a good couple days with Jason's family. Palmer gets tired quite often, but she manages to stay awake most of the time. Jason never did hear anything more from the hospital, so they were ecstatic he didn't have to cut his vacation short. They are packing up their stuff to get it out of the way since their flight leaves the next morning.

          "You know what I was also thinking?" Jason asks, putting clothes away in his suitcase.

          "What?" Palmer sits, leaving her husband to zip up the packed bag.

           "I'd be completely content if your mom wanted to move here with us. She knows she can stay with us at any time," Jason shrugging his shoulders.

          "I'd love that babe, and I love my mum, but I'm pretty sure I don't want her living with us forever, and she would have to have her independence taken away from her if she has to move in with us, you know what I mean?" Palmer says.

          "I know that, but I know your mom also isn't going to take the news of us moving to another country lightly," Jason giving Palmer a look.

          "That's true," Palmer nods. "I don't want to be without her, and I don't particularly want to leave her at my dad's mercy."

          "Well, you know how I feel about your dad, but I was also thinking that I plan on us building a home if we move back here," Jason begins. "But, I was also thinking of maybe in the house plan building a smaller house for your mom, so she necessarily doesn't live with us she'll kind of be like our neighbor," shrugging his shoulders. Jason absolutely loving Palmer's mother as much as his own.

          "You've thought about that?" Palmer smiling.

          "Yeah of course. I mean she wouldn't live with us. She would still have her independence because she would have her own place. You can go over there whenever. She can come over whenever once our baby is here. You know, it'll be nice for you two," Jason smiles. "I mean it's the least I can do after asking you to move back to the states, and she wouldn't pay for a thing."

          "I love you for being such a kind man," Palmer smiles, kissing her husband.

          Sliding his hands around Palmer and resting them on her lower back, "I mean like I said it's the least I can do since you two would make a big move for me."

          "You're my husband, I'd move anywhere with you. Besides, you left the states for me," Palmer smiles.

          "And I have been there for two years," softly kissing her on the lips.

          "I think this move will do us good."

          "I think so too, and," Jason smiles moving a strand of hair behind her ear, "I found some land about fifteen minutes from here that is for sale, and I think we can build on."

          "Build? It's exciting, I mean we can build a house exactly like we want, but I'm pregnant baby. I can do less and less every day. I don't want you to have to do everything. Plus, where are we going to live while we finish building?"

          Jason smiles, knowing that question was going to be asked. "Well, you know my parents have a guest house right? And I wouldn't be building, my parents are going to help us get in contact with their contractors that built their house."'

          "I know you wouldn't be building baby, but it's still a lot of work. Are you sure we can do it?"

          "You don't have to worry about a thing," Jason assures Palmer kissing her on the forehead. "And I kind of want our baby born here, not in London."

          "How come?"

          "I don't know," Jason shrugs, "I just want to be settled down here but I mean if you want to wait to move here till after our baby is born, I'm okay with that too."

          "No," Palmer shakes her head. "I want to move as soon as possible."


          "Yeah, I want to be settled when the baby comes. I know we won't be able to move into our own house for at least another two years. But, I want to settle down in your parent's guest house properly before the baby comes."

          "I love you," Jason smiles kissing her a few times.

          "I love you too."

          "Well, it looks like we are packing when we get home."

          Palmer sighs, "Can I please just stay here and leave you to pack everything?" she laughs.

          "I'll ask some buddies to come over and help. Trust me I don't need you to go into early labor," Jason laughs kissing Palmer's forehead.

          "It's okay babe, I'll manage the packing," she smiles sitting back on the bed.

          "You can help, just not extensive," Jason commands putting the suitcases by the front door.

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