"Where's your passport?" tanya gue ke Brooke waktu kita packing. Tinggal dua hari sebelum kita berangkat ke Canada.
"Uhm, oh, I put it on my desk. Wait, baby." katanya lalu masuk ke kamarnya.
"Here it is."
"Oh, alright, I think everything's ready." kata gue lega.
"Yeah, uh, baby, are you really okay if you go to another country?" tanya Brooke. Gue menimbang-nimbang.
"Yeah, as long as I don't do hard activities, I'm fine." kata gue.
"Uh, okay."
"Hey, I'm fine, Brooke. Don't worry about me." kata gue lalu meluk dia.
"I believe you." katanya.
Yay! Udah hari Jumat aka hari gue berangkat ke Canada sama Brooke. Pagi-pagi gue telfon dia.
"Heyyy. It's fuckin fridayyyy." sambutnya.
"Yeah, lol. I'll come to your home at 7. Okay?" kata gue. Pesawat kira-kira take off jam 8.
"Okay, honey. Be careful." katanya.
"Absolutely, sweetheart. Udah mandi dulu sana, bau nih." kata gue.
"Dih, jaad." katanya.
"Lol, canda tayang ululuh tini peyuk." kata gue.
"Lol. Don't be mad, babygirl." kata gue.
"I'm not mad. Lol. Okay, bye." katanya.
"Byeee." kata gue.
Jam 7 tepat gue udah di depan rumah Brooke.
"Babeeee." kata Brooke waktu liat gue.
"Hey, sweetheart. Are you ready?"
"Always ready." katanya.
"Haha. Okay, let's goooo."
Jam 7.20 kita sampe bandara, check in, lalu nungguin.
"Cam." panggil Brooke.
"Yes, baby?"
"I love you so much."
"Uuh, I love you more."
"Did your parents let you go with me?"
"Yeah, they did, I think."
"Oh, they're still out of town, aren't they?"
"Yeah. I think they never care about me. So I didn't tell them that I'll go with you to Canada, and even I didn't tell them about my cancer." kata gue jujur.
"I worried about you, babe."
"Don't worry, we're gonna be fine. Okay, trust me." kata gue lalu nyium dia cepet.
"Uh, okay."
"Hm, they've called us. Let's go." kata gue lalu gandeng tangan Brooke.
"You look so tired, baby. Just sleep, I'll wake you up later." kata gue ke Brooke.
"Uh, okay. Thank you, babe." kata Brooke. She's worried, pikir gue. Gue langsung membelai rambutnya.
Tidur Brooke bener-bener ngga tenang. Gue kasian sama dia. Jam 11 lebih, gue bangunin dia.
"Sweetheart, we're almost there." bisik gue.
"Uh, oh, hey, really?" katanya.
"Yeah." kata gue.
"Yay, praise God." katanya.
Jam 11.30 kita sampe di Canada. Hm, can I stay until we go back to America? Can I stay with her? Can I stay alive?
Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry? // Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande
Fanfictionyou'll never know the person you hate the most can be the person you love the most at the end