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Mark my words
That's all that I have
Mark my words
Give you all I got
In every way I will
You're the only reason why
Oh, I don't wanna live a lie

Mark my words
Mark my words

So you heard it all before
Falling in and out of trust
Trying to rekindle us
Only to lose yourself
But I won't let me lose you
And I won't let us just fade away
After all that we've been through
Imma show you more than I ever could say

"Seems like you're so happy today." kata gue lalu ngelirik Brooke yang daritadi nyanyi-nyanyi.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm happy for no reason." katanya tenang.

"Pfft. Stop teasing me. I don't wanna kiss you right now." kata gue.

"I'm not teasing you. Lol." kata Brooke lalu ketawa. Gue menghela nafas lalu nyenderin kepala gue di kursi, di taman yang paling sering gue datengin waktu kecil. Lol, I really miss this place.

"It's getting dark. I think we should go back home." kata Brooke.

"Hm, I think we can stay till night." kata gue.


"Don't be scared babygirl. I'm here to protect you." kata gue lalu ngerangkul Brooke. Dia nyenderin kepala di bahu gue.

"No stars." kata Brooke beberapa saat kemudian.

"Yeah, you know why?" tanya gue.

"Hm, nope."

"Lemme tell you."


"The sky's so dark cause I really love you." bisik gue.

"Pfft. Baby, you're drunk." katanya. Gue ketawa.

"Let's go home." kata Brooke manja.

"Hey, there's no ghost at all babygirl. Calm down." kata gue.

"Hey, look." kata Brooke sambil nunjuk langit, otomatis gue noleh. Tiba-tiba dia nyium gue. Cukup lama sampe dia kehabisan nafas.

"Okay, let's go." katanya.

"Let's go to Canada and get married." kata gue.

"Cammm." Brooke gemes sendiri. Gue ketawa.

"Okay, okay, let's go." kata gue lalu berdiri. Gue gandeng Brooke ke mobil. Waktu hampir sampe, Brooke berhenti.

"Hey, someone's coming." bisiknya.

"Who?" tanya gue.

"Hey, it's Justin." bisiknya lagi.

"What? Justin? Where?" tanya gue.

"Right there, in front of that house." kata Brooke sambil nunjuk salah satu rumah di seberang taman.

"Wow, that's his ex's house." kata gue.

"Really?" tanya Brooke. Gue mengiyakan. Kita ngintip-ngintip di balik pohon maple di taman itu.

"Ouch. She slapped him." kata Brooke. Gue ga merhatiin Justin sama mantannya.

"Uh, what happened to them." kata gue.

"Idk." kata Brooke. Ada jeda panjang sebelum Brooke ngomong lagi.

"Okay, let's move." bisiknya. Ternyata si Justin udah pulang. Kita cepet-cepet masuk mobil lalu pergi ke tempat tujuan kita selanjutnya, restoran Asia favorit Brooke.



"I wanna go to the toilet for a minute." ijin gue ke Kak Cam. Di sana gue masuk bilik toilet lalu ngebuka iP, udah ada 3 sms yang isinya sama.

'We need to talk. Meet me tomorrow at 8 in Sevel. Don't be late, I'm waiting. - Justin.'

Wait. What? Justin? He ask me to meet him?

'Don't be late.'
'I won't.'

Pikiran gue buyar. Nada smsnya Kak Justin sadis gitu kek psikopat. Anjay, kenapa lagi sih?

Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry? // Justin Bieber & Ariana GrandeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang