Gue udah berkali-kali telfon Brooke tapi ga diangkat. Ya, sebenernya gue gengsi mau minta maaf tapi ya gue harus ngelakuin itu, sebagai konsekuensi. Dan lo tau, telfon orang yang bisa dibilang lo benci buat minta maaf karena salah paham itu rasanya ngga banget. Gue jadi ilfil sama diri gue sendiri.
Malem itu, setelah gue nemenin Jaxon main, gue balik ke kamar. Ternyata ada sms dari Brooke. Lil bit excited.
'What is it? You wanna make me feel guilty? No, I won't.' - anjay judes parah.
'I apologize.'
'For what.'
'Look, I made a wrong decision. I thought you told him to stay, because you hate me.'
'I don't hate you.'
'But I feel it. Brooke, forgive me, please.'
'My mind is such a mess right now.'
'I know you need a lil while to forgive me.'
'Sorry I can't talk too much. I'll call you later.'
'Okay, I'll wait.'
Hft, gabisa lo maafin gue? Tinggal bilang iya aja kenapa sih. Elah. Gue cape mikirin lo terus. Dan gue benci mikirin lo terus.
Badan gue sakit semua. Udah 2 hari gue gabisa tidur. Gue stress mikirin Kak Justin. Keknya dia bener-bener pengen bikin gue ilang dari kehidupannya, dari kehidupan Kak Cam juga. Hah, tau gini gue gabakal pindah ke Cali. Gue kira pindah negara bisa ngilangin masalah. Ternyata cuma 'mindahin' masalah.
Kak Justin udah minta maaf sih, tapi gue masih kesel sama sikapnya. Keknya dia bener-bener gabisa nerima gue. Dia benci banget sama gue.
"Kak." panggil gue ke kakak gue. Dia baru dateng dari LA.
"Hmm?" jawabnya.
"Aku ikut kakak pindah ke LA ya." mohon gue.
"Hah? Kenapa tiba-tiba kamu pengen ikut?" tanyanya.
"Aku bosen di sini, Kak. Keknya aku gacocok di Cali."
"Hmm, baru aja satu semester di sini. Besok aja ya, kelas 11 kamu ikut kakak." katanya.
"Ah, lamakkk." keluh gue. Tiba-tiba iP gue bunyi. Kak Cam telfon. Gue buru-buru naik ke kamar.
"Hey, baby." sapa gue."Hey, I miss you." katanya.
"I miss you more. Uh, can we meet?"
"Yeah i think we can. But how about your brother?"
"Hm, I think it's better if I come to your house."
"Really? I'm afraid he'll be mad."
"No, he won't."
"Uh, okay, just be carefull, sweetie."
"Okay, I'll be there in 20 minutes. Bye, baby."
"Bye, sweetheart."
Gue nutup telfon lalu siap-siap. Sekitar jam 10.30 gue udah sampe rumah Kak Cam. Dia nyambut gue bahagia.
"Uh, my baby looks so sad." kata Kak Cam.
"I miss you." kata gue. Setengah bohong. Sebenernya gue sedih karena masalah gue & Kak Justin.
"Here, let me give you warm hug." kata Kak Cam. Gue jadi pengen nangis.
"Don't be sad, Brooke. I always stay in your heart." kata Kak Cam. Bahkan kata-kata romantis yang biasanya bisa nenangin gue, sekarang ga mempan. Tiap liat Kak Cam gue ngeliat orang yang semakin hari semakin lemah, yang seharusnya gue jaga tapi malah gue bikin cape. Ah elah.
"Don't l-leave." kata gue. Air mata tiba-tiba keluar gitu aja. Gue terisak, tapi gue tahan.
"Hey? Why are you crying?" tanya Kak Cam cemas.
"N-no. I'm sorry." gue terisak lagi dan gabisa ngelanjutin ngomong. Gue masih nahan isakan gue sambil meringis gajelas. Pura-pura gue gapapa.
"Brooke, tell me what happened." kata Kak Cam. Gue ngerasa kek diafragma gue kejang. Ga berenti-berenti.
"Brooke. Take a deep breath." kata Kak Cam. Gue berusaha nafas tapi sesek.
"You didn't sleep last night, did you?" tanya Kak Cam semakin mengintrogasi. Ah geblek, kenapa pake nangis segala sih.
"I-i can't." kata gue.
"Is there an unsolved problem?" tanyanya.
"No, no. I-i just can't stop thinking about y-you." kata gue.
"Don't lie to me, Brooke." kata Kak Cam. Bodohnya gue malah terisak makin keras.
"I'm so dumb." gue ngacak-ngacak rambut gue sendiri.
"Hey, hey, ssh." Kak Cam megang tangan gue kenceng.
"Tell me." katanya. Sorot matanya keliatan marah.
"I can't handle it. I feel like Justin's wanna make me dissapear from his life, and your life." gue meraung.
"Oh my Godness. What did he say? What did he do to you?" tanya Kak Cam, pegangannya makin kenceng. Tangan gue sakit.
"He thought I told you to stay in Cali, i told him that I don't even know what's the reason that make you don't wanna go, and we shouted to each other. Oh my God, I just wanna die. I ca-" tiba-tiba Kak Cam nempelin telunjuknya di bibir gue.
"Don't say that." katanya.
"Sorry." kata gue lemah.
"Hey, listen. I'll tell him the truth, I'll ask him to apologize." kata Kak Cam.
"He apologized but I didn't say anything. It's hard to say I apologize you. I don't know." kata gue.
"Oh My Godness, Brooklyn. I'm so sorry. I supposed to make your feelings better but I ruin it." kata Kak Cam lalu meluk gue yang masih gemeteran.
"It's not your fault. It's my fault. Sorry I came and ruin your life." kata gue.
"Hey, don't say like that."
"I think it's better if I leave. And we br-" kata-kata gue terhenti. Pandangan gue kabur.
"Brooke. Brooke?" panggil Kak Cam. Gue ga bisa fokus. Akhirnya semua jadi gelap.
Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry? // Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande
Fanfictionyou'll never know the person you hate the most can be the person you love the most at the end