So, Cameron Alexander Dallas, sahabat terbaik gue, udah ga ada. Dia menghembuskan nafas terakhir jam 3 pagi tadi, dengan perpisahan cukup manis untuk dikenang kita semua. Dia udah ngejalanin hidup yang berat sampe 17 tahun ini. Dia orang terkuat yang gue kenal selama hidup gue. Dia selalu senyum walaupun dia punya masalah. Dia lebih dewasa dari anak-anak seumurannya. I'm so proud of him. No one can replace him. He's the best guy in this world.
Gue berusaha ngga nangis tapi gue gabisa nahan. Gue juga semakin sedih ngedenger tangisan Brooke. Ya, walaupun dia sering nangis, tapi gue rasa dia salah satu cewe paling tabah yang gue tau. Gue cukup kaget waktu dia balik nenangin gue setelah jenazah Cam dibawa ke rumah. Dia lebih kuat atau lebih tepatnya lebih "berusaha keliatan kuat" setelah Cam pergi.
Cam dimakamin besok pagi, bakal ada upacara sederhana. Dan gue bakal ngasih pidato pendek buat dia, sebenernya Brooke juga, tapi dia nyerahin semuanya ke gue, katanya dia gamau ngerusak acara kalo dia tiba-tiba nangis di depan semua orang. Gue sempet marahin dia sih, tapi dia tetep bertahan gamau pidato. Ya udah gue ambil alih semuanya.
Cam udah didandanin rapi, bener-bener kaya pengantin pria. Gue cuma diem ngeliat dia sambil muter-muterin kertas pidato gue. Brooke juga ada di sana, dia jadi diem seribu bahasa. Dia ngga ngomong apa-apa lagi ke gue sejak tadi malem. Bahkan dia cuma bilang makasih banyak karena gue nganter dia pulang. Emang sih dia ga nangis, cuma dia jadi diem banget.
Jam 8 gue udah di podium tempat gue bakal pidato. Keluarga Cam, keluarga Brooke, dan keluarga gue udah ada di sana. Akhirnya gue dipersilahkan pidato.
"Good Morning. My name is Justin and Cameron was my loyal friend, my confidant. He was more like my older brother. We had many experiences during that time. We laughed, we cried, we fought, and laughed again. Cam's was the friendliest, sweetest, most comprehensive, and humble person I ever met in my life. Always worrying about the welfare of others.
And yesterday my best friend passed away. And he left an empty place in my heart, a place that nobody can fill. January 22 was the saddest and most painful day I've had in my life. That day I knew that my best friend had died. It is a memory that I cannot erase from my mind, neither from my heart. Although I told him lots of time that I loved him dearly, I would give anything to turn back time and tell him that I love him one last time, to tell him that without him my life is not complete, and that he is a very important part of it.
People say that time heals all wounds, but today I can tell you that's not true. Till today, I feel the same pain in my heart.
I know he is closer to me, that there's no more distance or time difference that separates us now. I thank you Cam for those years of friendship that you gave me. Thank you for everything that you did for me. I want you to know my friend, that I love you with all my heart and that I always remember you. You will always be my best guy, my friendly friend.
Thank you."
Gue liat Brooke nangis setelah gue pidato. Gue turun, ngasih penghormatan terakhir, lalu nyamperin Brooke.
"Hey." panggil gue lalu duduk di sebelahnya.
"Beautiful speech." katanya pelan lalu nyengir. Gue mengusap air matanya.
"Don't be sad." kata gue.
"Uh, no, I'm not sad." katanya. Setelah itu Cam dimakamin. Kita semua berdoa buat dia. Setelah itu, keluarga-keluarga kami pulang, tinggal Mom & Dadnya Cam, gue, dan Brooke.
"Thank you so much for being Cam's bestfriends and motivators. You guys mad a huge change in his life." kata Dadnya.
"It's our pleasure, Sir, Ma'am. We're so lucky to know him." jawab gue. Brooke ngangguk lalu senyum.
"May God give you guys strength." kata Brooke.
"Thank you, dear." kata Momnya lalu meluk Brooke erat.
Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry? // Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande
Fanfictionyou'll never know the person you hate the most can be the person you love the most at the end