"Hey, J." sapa gue.
"Hey, I'm glad to see you guys." katanya bahagia.
"What is it? You wanna tell us something, won't you?" tanya gue.
"Uhm, nope. I just wanna chill with you guys, if you want." katanya.
"Srsly, it's kinda weird." kata gue.
"I just wanna chill. Srsly." katanya.
"Uh, okay." kata Brooke.
"So, let's eat some food, I'm starving." ajak Justin. Akhirnya gue mengiyakan. Sebelum mampir di salah satu restoran di sana, gue taro barang-barang gue di mobilnya Justin.
"What?!" sembur gue waktu Justin bilang Eastwood Warrior bakal turnamen lagi di Minnesota, bulan depan.
"Yass, Minnesotaaaa." kata Justin bahagia.
"Gosh, I'm so tired." keluh gue.
"I don't wanna do that weird things, I don't wanna eat eggs or protein or whatever. It's exhausting." kata gue lagi.
"Oh please, it's gonna be so amazing, Cam." kata Justin.
"I'll think about it later." kata gue.
"You're the best player, bro. Our best center." kata Justin. Gue gatau harus ngomong apa.
"Hm, I'll tell you soon." kata gue.
"Okay. I'm waiting." kata Justin bahagia. Beberapa saat kemudian kita balik. Justin nganterin gue & Brooke ke rumah Brooke.
"Thank's, J." kata gue waktu kita sampe.
"Noprob." katanya. Kita lalu masuk. Btw, Brooke tiba-tiba jadi diem. Mungkin masih gasuka sama Justin, pikir gue.
"Uhm, baby." panggilnya.
"Yes, sweetheart?" jawab gue sambil megang pipinya.
"Uh, I wanna say sorry for making you tired. It's my fault." katanya.
"Hey, why did you say that? I'm not tired because of you. I'm tired of doing that weird training." kata gue.
"I supposed to go alone. I'm afraid that you'll sick again." katanya. Gue mulai cemas.
"Baby, listen, don't worry about my health. Yeah, I realized that I have an incurable disease. But actually, I'm okay. Everything's gonna be alright, sweetie." kata gue lalu meluk Brooke.
"Promise me, you won't go to that fucking hospital again and get hospitalized." kata Brooke, gue tau dia nahan nangis & marah.
"I promise." kata gue tegas. Tapi di dalem hati, gue bohong, gue gatau apa yang bakal terjadi selanjutnya. But, God, please save me, save my life. Save Brooke's heart, save her feelings.
"I'll let you go to Minnesota if you want to." katanya.
"I won't go, sweetie."
"Just go, I'm okay." katanya.
"We'll talk about it later." kata gue.
Udah gue pikirin matang-matang kalo gue ga ikut ke Minnesota. Gue bener-bener gabisa pergi.
"Don't cry, please, Brooklyn." akhirnya gue peluk Brooke erat. Dia kira gue ga jadi pergi turnamen gara-gara dia. Tapi sebenernya ada alasan lain. I'll tell you, but don't tell Brooke, okay?
Jadi, sore setelah gue pulang dari Canada, gue ke dokter buat scanning. And you know what? Hasil scan gue udah kek pohon natal. Lingkaran terang dimana-mana. Dan lo tau apa artinya? Kanker udah menguasai otak gue.
Dokter nyuruh gue buat istirahat total seminggu, tapi gue ga bakal bisa ngelakuin itu tanpa bikin Brooke curiga sama kesehatan gue. Argh, gue stress.
"Baby, please." kata gue udah cape. Brooke sebenernya mulai tenang. Tapi dia gabisa berhenti nyalahin diri sendiri.
"I'm okay. Everything's alright. Don't you worry about me. Don't you worry about us." bisik gue terus menerus sambil membelai rambutnya.
"Goodnight, my lil angel." bisik gue sebelum Brooke ketiduran di pelukan gue. Godness. I can't leave her alone in this cruel world. She's too young.
Gue kebangun jam 3. Kepala gue udah kek mau copot, sakit banget. Tiba-tiba Brooke ikut kebangun, wajahnya khawatir banget. Dia kek teriak tapi gue gabisa denger. Kepala gue terlalu sakit.
"Aargh!" teriak gue. Gue kaget sendiri. Ternyata gue cuma mimpi. Kampret. Gue degdegan.
"Baby?" kata Brooke. Dia kebangun karena teriakan gue.
"Uh, sorry, sweetheart, I just got a nightmare." kata gue.
"You can sleep again, it's still 4am." kata gue.
"Are you okay?" tanyanya.
"Yes, babygirl. I'm okay. Just sleep, you need a rest." kata gue. Beberapa menit kemudian dia udah tidur.
Jangan mati, Cam. Jangan. Brooke terlalu muda buat liat lo sekarat. Apalagi mati. Dia terlalu muda buat dateng ke pemakaman lo. Pokoknya, dia ga boleh ngerasain itu. Dia gaboleh patah hati.
Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry? // Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande
Fanfictionyou'll never know the person you hate the most can be the person you love the most at the end