Part 2 (Edited)

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Niti and veebha reach the party and meet all their friends and start chatting. Just then Rohan, the host comes to them with few of his other guests and starts introducing.

Rohan: Niti, that's parth samthaan and parth that's niti Taylor a very dear friend of mine .

Both of them are disgusted to meet each other again but since every one is around, they simply shake hands and then ignore. Veebha who is niti's best friend notices this and finds something fishy !

After some time veebha drags niti aside and asks her about the Cold War with parth. Niti describes the whole incident and expresses her hatred towards him.

Veebha: Oh but you used to be his fan right ? I remember how you used to watch his show BFF regularly !

Niti: Veebha, I used to be his fan. But not anymore ! I mean, someone who doesn't know how to respect their elders, and do not have any manners on how to talk to people, I can't ever like such a person !

Veebha: Okay fine now let it go ! Come let's join the others. By the way, wasn't it a really filmy situation ? You know I feel this story has just begun and there's lot more to come ! 

Niti: veebha please ! Since we are actors, it doesn't mean you'll convert every situation into a filmy one ! This is real life and not reel life ! Here, we write our own scripts and I would never ever write that Parth Samthaan in my life's script !

During the whole party parth keeps drinking a lot as he's still mad about his fight with disha ! Niti notices him and it disgusts her more that he is drinking so much !

Party ends.

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