Part 64

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Recap: The jungle sequence. Niti missing the good old times spent with Parth and trying hard to maintain distance.

His hands resting on her waist, her hands on his shoulders and both of them looking into each others' eyes.

Director: Yes that's perfect ! And then Parth you would slowly try to let go of her hold and she will hold you back. Okay ?

Niti who was standing on the usual stool in front of Parth, rehearsing for the scene, looked at the director nodding her head in agreement and so did Parth. Both of them still in the same position. The director had been giving further instructions which she was trying to focus on but found herself only thinking about the man standing there with her holding her in his arms. Both of them had been looking at the director while he had been explaining on how to go about the scene further. Niti was definitely not focused on the scene. She had been constantly glancing sideways at him through the corner of her eye. Parth did not notice her gaze for quite some time but when she didn't let go even after the director left, he realised she had been staring at him and assumed it had been quite some time now to her gaze on him.

They were done with the rehearsals and now had to wait for some more time for the shot to be ready. It was the night sequence in the jungle they had been shooting for. Niti was still holding on to his shoulders and looking at him, as if she hadn't had even the slightest sight of him for years ! Parth had his face turned to the other side, his hands still on her waist. He was in a dilemma whether to look at her or not. It had been quite some time now and his cheeks had started reddening. He finally decided to let go of her hold without turning to look at her intending not to make it embarrassing for her. He had just started removing his hands from her waist when she suddenly spoke up slowly, "I love you !". His eyes widened out of shock and his fingers around her waist started trembling in the air, slightly touching her waist making her feel ticklish. He was happy as well as confused. He wished someone could pinch him and wake him up of the beautifully impossible dream ! It took him quite some time to realise it was true and she had actually said it. His happiness was coupled with anxiety on how come she had admitted it ?

She immediately started feeling guilty of having spoken her heart out. She had been struggling quite hard all these days trying to avoid looking at him, talking to him or expressing her feelings in front of him. All those efforts had been flushed at that one statement she had made. The one statement had turned out too big for her to handle. As she realised it, she instantly let go of his hold and left.

They could not complete the scene that day as none of them could then give their best performance. Not even a 50 re-takes worked that day. And that was more than enough for the director to understand that he should pack up for the day.

Niti was standing near the railing in her balcony when Veebha called.

Veebha: Hey Niti ! What happened ?! I heard you couldn't do the scene today ? What's wrong with you ?

Niti: (irritated and angry) What's wrong with you Veebha ? How could you ask me that question ? Hasn't it ever happened with you before that you couldn't do a scene at a particular point of time ? I didn't expect this out of such a senior actor as you !

Veebha was taken aback at her words. For what she knew of her best friend, she was the sweetest girl ever who would never misbehave or hurt anyone intentionally. In fact she didn't even remember any incident where she might have hurt someone unintentionally. That was just not Niti. And today, she hurt her best friend. But she knew it was not her but her frustration that was speaking. And today it was probably the second time in her entire life that she had hurt someone unintentionally. First was Parth because of her denial and ignorance and second was Veebha. And so she decided to handle the situation calmly.

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