Part 56

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Recap: Parth's gift to Niti, her cute little puppy Smurfy. Surprise success party for Niti and another surprise gift by all her friends on set, she got to meet her mother.

Later that night, Niti was lying in her bed, resting her head in her mother's lap with Smurfy sleeping beside her. Her mother was caressing her forehead lovingly and they were both silently enjoying one another's company after a long time. After a while of silence, her mother initiated a conversation with the question that had been revolving in her head since the beginning of the party earlier that evening.

Niti's mom: Darling who is this old school friend who gifted you this sweet little puppy ?

Niti: (after thinking for a while) I lied. It's no old school friend mom.

Niti's mom: Then who is it ? And why did you have to lie about it to your friends ?

Niti: It's a long story mom. But to tell you in short, he's a very good friend, whom I've met quite recently but is really sweet and caring.

Niti's mom: Well then when are you going to make your mom meet this special friend of yours ?

Niti: (rising from her lap and turning to face her) Mom ! It's nothing like that ! It's just that he's a good friend. Nothing more than that.

Niti's mom: Well I'm sure he is a really good friend. He definitely cares a lot. And just remember one thing, you can talk to your mom about anything at any time you need ! Okay ?

Niti: (again placing her head in her lap and hugging her waist) Thanks mom ! I love you !

Niti's mom: I love you too darling.

The next sequence on the show was the Diwali segment for which the whole cast was excited as it was a favorite festival for most of them and they had got another opportunity to just hang out together and make beautiful memories on set.

Parth and Niti had more scenes to be shot than the others and therefore they had a call time earlier than everyone else. So, they had to arrive quite early and finish off with their sequences before the others arrived. Since they had been shooting at a farmhouse that day, instead of vanities, they had separate rooms allotted, one for girls and the other one for boys. Both the rooms were completely adjacent to one another. Niti was the first one to arrive and was soon done with her hair styling and make up. She now had to get changed into the traditional blue and white attire which would make her look like a little fairy descending from the heavens above.

Parth is as usual late to be arriving on set but by now, everyone had gotten used to his habit of getting late always. At times they used to give him a call time earlier than what it actually was so that he would arrive by the actual time. The set decorations had been going on when he arrived and he was taking a look at the massive set which was so beautifully decorated. Just then, the spot boy handed him the script and asked him to go to his room and get changed into being Manik Malhotra.

Spot Boy: Here's your script and there's the room where you'll find your outfit (pointing upwards in the direction of the rooms). You can get dressed and then wait for the make up man. He has gone out for some work and would be back in a while.

He moves upwards towards the rooms while going through the script. Usually they used to get their scripts much before the time the scene was to be shot but this time it had been delayed. They were only aware that a Diwali sequence is to be shot but were not aware about the details of the sequence. He was hurriedly going through the script while climbing the stairs, mostly reading the Manan parts and suddenly he came across something that got him to lose his balance and trip off the stairs. He instantly got hold of the railing and saved himself from a major accident. He settled himself, climbed up all the stairs fast in order to avoid another fall and then read the part again.

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