Part 42

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Recap: Niti sharing with Veebha about her friendship and fights with Parth. Veebha convincing Niti to apologize to Parth as he was not at fault. Parth sharing with Ayaz about his fight with Niti and Ayaz convincing Parth to apologize. Veebha upset about something associated with Ayaz.

Veebha has stopped saying anything since the time Niti told her that Ayaz knew about her friendship with Parth before her. According to Veebha, Ayaz wasn't trustworthy.

Niti: Veebha please speak up! What's the matter with you and Ayaz ? You have to tell me Veebha. I'm your best friend.

Veebha: If we would have been best friends you would have told me first about your secret friendship with Parth, rather than Ayaz.

Niti: I'm sorry about that Veebha. But now please tell me what's the matter with you and him ? Please !

Veebha: (after waiting for a long time) Okay fine. I will tell you. But you won't go and talk to Ayaz or Parth about it ! Parth and Ayaz are very good friends so even if you tell Parth, Ayaz will come to know.

Niti: Okay I won't talk to any of them. But now would you tell me please ?

Veebha: Ayaz....he....he proposed to me !

Niti: (shocked) What ?!

Veebha: Now what's there to be shocked like this ? Can't a guy propose to a girl ?

Niti: So you said yes ?

Veebha: Not at all !! Don't you know he was already committed to Priyanka since Splitsvilla ?

Niti: Priyaka ? Oh yes I remember that ! So then, did they break up ?

Veebha: I don't know. But even when he was committed to her, he proposed to me ! Now, how can I accept such a proposal ? And now, you tell me, is that guy trustworthy at all ?

Niti: But Veebha, maybe he truly loves you !

Veebha: Love my foot ! He must have said that to Priyanka as well. And tomorrow he might say that to another girl. I can't trust him and I would suggest you too don't trust him.

Niti: But Ayaz does not seem that type of a person to me.

Veebha: Niti, people never show their real faces. You need to identify them yourself !

(At Parth's place)

Parth: C'mon now speak up what's the matter with you ? Since you've solved so many of my problems, I can also do something for you.

Ayaz: You can't do anything bro ! She...She won't agree...

Parth: Who won't agree ?

Ayaz: Veebha !

Parth: Veebha ? What's with her now ?

Ayaz: I don't know ! She's not letting go of me ! She knows, and even you know right ? That I love Priyanka so much ! My love was not just for the show ! I truly love her !

Parth: Seriously ?

Ayaz: What do you mean by seriously ? Of course man !

Parth: Ohh okay. Well I thought maybe it was just for the show.

Ayaz: (dramatically) No !!! It was all real ! It still is ! But this Veebha ! She does not understand ! She is a psycho lover ! She wants me to break up with Priyanka and be with her.

Parth: What ? You mean she...

Ayaz: Yes ! She loves me. So she says...I really don't know !

Parth: Oh man !! What's going on ? Like true love ? I don't think it even exists !

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