Part 33

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Recap: Pani unofficial breakfast date.

After completing the breakfast, both of them leave from niti's place together in parth's car.

They follow the same routine as decided. Niti orders a cab near the shoot venue and parth was to drop her there. He is not ready to leave her alone till the cab arrives but Niti wants him to leave as she fears someone might spot them. And so did happen ! Both of them are arguing on the matter in the car when ayaz again passes by. He somehow had an intuition he might find them there and therefore decides to take that route, and well yes he was correct ! He spots parth's car from a distance and stops right there to observe what happens. He is not able to see clearly but finds that there are two people sitting inside the car whom he assumes to be parth and niti.

After a lot of heated argument Niti had to give up and allow Parth to wait till her cab arrived, which was not a long time as the cab arrives within the next 3 minutes. Parth gives Niti a smile and she blushes while getting down from the car. That is when Ayaz is able to see her face and he was again correct as the other person was Niti Taylor ! He felt like he had won a big struggle ! He had solved the Pani mystery that had been going on in his head since last night. He then drives off and passes by niti's cab. Niti is not able to notice the car but has an intuition that it was someone from her shoot. She immediately calls Parth who was still waiting at the same place as Niti had asked him to come after some time so that they don't arrive at the same time.

Parth: (on picking up the call) missing me already ?

Niti: oh stop it Parth ! Did you see some car passing by ?

Parth: Niti this is a public road and so many cars have passed by since then.

Niti: no but did you see some familiar kind of car passing by ? I just saw one but did not notice it properly and I feel like it was a car belonging to someone from our shoot.

Parth: Niti ! Why do you press your brain so much ? Don't worry it would be nothing. And even if it was then what is the problem ? That person would not have found us together. Don't worry !

Niti: no but you don't understand. Girls have intuitions and my intuition tells me that we are into trouble !

Parth: alright then even if we are, we will tackle it when it comes to us. For now just relax and don't think too much ! And please, don't look at everyone on set doubtfully or else of it was really someone who saw us together would be more sure. Just be cool with everyone just the way you always are.

Niti: okay. Fine then, I've reached. I'll talk to you later. Bye !

And she quickly disconnects the call.

Ayaz is waiting in the parking itself near his car for any one of them to arrive and just then he spots Niti making the payment to the cab driver. He quickly runs to her and surprises her,

Ayaz: hello !

Niti: (turning to look at him immediately) oh hey ! You scared me !

Ayaz: oh is it ?

Niti: (talking to the driver) how much ?

Driver: 30 rs madam.

Ayaz: (giving surprised expression) oh wow Niti ! You get so much concession from cab drivers ?! That's great yar !

Niti: umm no it's not like that.. It's just that..I ...

Ayaz: you ? So you mean it's not a concession? So then how come he took so less from you ?

Niti: actually I've come from a place nearby.

Ayaz: nearby ? But as far as I remember you stay quite far away.

Just then parth's car enters the gate and goes towards the parking.

Ayaz: oh great even Parth is here now..

Niti: (scared) so ??

Ayaz: so ?? I'm just saying ! Even he is here.. So you were saying something. How come you have come from a place nearby ?

Niti: actually I had some work nearby and so I had come in another cab till there and then I took this cab.

Ayaz: (exaggerating surprise) ohhhhhhh !! Then that's fine ! Come let's go inside.

They start moving towards the vanities when they meet Parth near the parking.

Ayaz: hey Parth ! What's up man ?

Parth: hey ! Good morning !

Ayaz: good morning..umm Parth won't you wish Niti a good morning ? Oops ! I'm such a fool ! You two must have already wished each other right ?

Niti: what ? How ?? No !!

Ayaz: no ?? Okay...actually you didn't wish each other that's why I thought so.

Parth: no Ayaz it's nothing like that. Come let's get ready.

Niti enters the girls vanity and parth and Ayaz go to the boys vanity.

Even though the situation off screen had been improving between Pani, the manan scenario was still at fights and misunderstandings. The first scene for the day was one where 2 goons sent by aliya reach Nandini and Dhruv saves her. When the goons start beating Dhruv, Manik saves him. Nandini misunderstands the scenario to be like Manik being the culprit who sent the goons to her.

All of them get ready and dressed and reach the set location with their scripts. Since there was some time in the set being ready, both Parth and Niti excuse themselves from others to rehearse. Niti was now relaxed as nobody on set had asked them any further questions and she was therefore convinced that it was just her imagination that someone might have spotted them together.

15 minutes later, they were done with their rehearsal but they still had some time as the set was not yet ready, and also the guys playing the goons character were still rehearsing. But they decided to act in front of everyone that they are rehearsing and instead just stay away from all eyes and enjoy their personal friendship time without bringing the professionalism in between. They were chatting with each other with their scripts in their hands and glancing on the script time and again to make others believe that they are rehearsing. But someone found something fishy ! And it was none other than Ayaz ! He noticed quite a few times that Niti had been smiling but the scene was one where she had to be angry at Parth. He therefore knew that there was definitely something fishy, something that the two of them had been hiding.

Precap: Ayaz following parth's car while he is going to drop Niti.

Tomorrow: manan ff. Harshad trying to be sweet and friendly with fab 5. Mukbhi track coming up..


hope you like it friends...waiting for your feedbacks ! Love you all !! Thank you !

#behappy #spreadsmiles

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