Part 34

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Recap: Pani rehearsing script and Ayaz having a doubt on them.

After the shoot that day, again Parth is waiting in the vanity which leaves Ayaz confused !

Ayaz: umm Parth ! It seems like you don't love your house anymore ?!

Parth: why ?

Ayaz: you really asking me why ? Well the answer is right in front of my eyes ! You are again sitting in the vanity after the pack up ! What's wrong man ? You're behaving quite weird since the last few days. And same is the case with Niti.

Parth: (startled on hearing her name) Niti ? What about her ? I mean why are you mentioning her ? What's the matter ?

Ayaz: relax ! I know you two don't like each other but that doesn't mean you'll react like that at the mere mention of her name ! I'm just saying that it seems like something is wrong with her as well.

Parth: umm...yeah whatever ! Okay then I'll leave ! Bye ! See you tomorrow !

Ayaz's doubt goes on becoming more clear with all these reactions from Parth. He simply waves him goodbye and follows him.

Niti is standing at the gate with her girlfriends waiting for the cab and leaves as soon as the cab arrives.

Ayaz is again waiting behind parth's car at the same point he spotted the two together the other day. Few minutes later, a cab stops near parth's car and Niti gets down from it. Again Parth convinces Niti to let him pay for her cab and they leave together in parth's car. Ayaz follows them. On reaching niti's place,

Niti: would you like to come up for some coffee ?

Parth: umm...okay...

After they park the car and move towards the elevator, Ayaz quietly follows them and waits near the elevator after they leave. He waits to check the floor where the elevator stops and soon finds the floor no. For Niti's flat. He then reaches upstairs and waits a while before ringing the door bell.

Parth settles himself on the couch and Niti goes into the kitchen to prepare coffee. After about 5 minutes, the door bell rings which startles both Niti and parth but then they calm down thinking that it must be nothing to worry about. Niti comes out of the kitchen to open the door but Parth stops her saying that he would do that for her and she can go back to the kitchen.

On opening the door, Parth freezes at the sight that catches his eyes. It is as if a ghost had hypnotized him and had asked him not to move ! His face full of fright, eyes unable to blink ! Ayaz gives him a smirk and asks,

Ayaz: What's up bro ? How come you're here ?

Niti comes out of the kitchen to check who is her guest and even she freezes at the sight of Ayaz. Both Niti and Parth standing beside each other, look sideways to face one another and try to communicate through their eyes but Ayaz distracts them.

Ayaz: (shaking both of their shoulders) What's up people ? Why are you two so scared ? Niti, won't you welcome your guest ?

Niti: (stammering) Ye-ah..Ay-a-z...Pl-ea-s-e s-it...

Ayaz takes a place on the couch and indicates Parth to sit beside him. Parth closes the door, gives a sideways glance to Niti and then settles beside Ayaz.

Niti: I'll just get some coffee.

As soon as she moves into the kitchen Ayaz starts his interrogation on Parth.

Ayaz: So Parth ! So this is the place you like more than your house these days ? Right ?

Parth: Ayaz, it's nothing like that please man !

Ayaz: What please ?

Niti comes from the kitchen carrying a tray with 3 coffee mugs.

Ayaz: Oh that was so quick ! Oh okay you must have already started preparing right ? For Parth ? Your new friend...Or should i say your...

Niti: Please stop right there Ayaz! You wanna know the truth ? We'll tell you ! But please don't jump onto any conclusions by yourself. That's a request.

Ayaz: Okay..I promise I won't bother you guys. But at least tell me what is all this ? I mean Parth drops you home and then he's sitting here and you're preparing coffee for him. And on set, you behave as if you're enemies !

Parth: Relax Ayaz.. We'll tell you everything.

Both Niti and Parth then explain the whole situation to Ayaz, what is their plan, why are they behaving like that, and also clearly specify that they are just friends so that Ayaz won't start off with his teasing session.

Ayaz: Hmm...So that is the case. But they why hide from us ?

Parth: I told you ! If we tell you guys, it will spread on the sets and there are so many people there. Someone might find out and leak our secret.

Ayaz: Alright ! But don't you think you're taking this too far ? As in just be normal !Just like we are all friends ! If it's just friendship between the two of you then why hide ?

Niti: No Ayaz, we wish to hide. Would you support us o not ?

Ayaz: Of course I will ! Don't worry ! Okay then I'll take your leave. I have to go somewhere. I just came by to check on the fishy things you two had been doing.

Parth: Yeah even I'll leave with you.

Ayaz: No ! You stay back with your friend !

Parth: No I have to leave.

Niti: But Ayaz, how did you find out about us ?

Ayaz: Now that is a long story and I don't have time. But to tell you in short, you left some loopholes which i found !

Both Ayaz and Parth then leave. Ayaz notices the way Niti and Parth wave goodbye to each other. He soon realises that there is something more to this friendship that even they don't realise. So, he decides to take up the mission.

Precap: Manan store room sequence. Pani story behind it.

Tomorrow: Manan ff. Manik to find out mukti's secret.


Sorry for this short update friends. But the thing is I'm not well since the last few days and therefore could not write much. I hope you guys understand. I didn't want to leave you all with no update at all so I tried and wrote this much.

Thank You !



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