Part 49

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Recap: Mud sequence off screen story. PaNi noticing small things about each other. Niti's mini fan accidentally breaks down by Parth and he decides to gift her a new one.

The next morning, Parth reaches sets a bit earlier than the others and carefully places the fan he got for Niti in her vanity near her dress mirror. It wasn't gift wrapped but was covered with a delicate ribbon forming a bow in the front. It also did not bear the name of the person presenting it but specified the words, "for Niti" on a card placed over it. After placing it in there he slowly moved out and went into his vanity. He had been impatiently waiting for Niti to come and find her gift, something without which she could not live. 

After some time, the first person to enter the girls vanity that day was Charlie. Niti had got stuck in traffic and therefore was late. After waiting for enough time, Parth called up Niti to find out whether she had found the gift or not. 

Niti: Hello !

Parth: Hey hi ! Where are you ?

Niti: I'm still stuck in traffic man ! I don't know how long is this going to take !

Parth: Oh so you haven't reached yet ?

Niti: No ! If I would have, you would find me there !

Parth: No actually I'm in my vanity so I thought maybe you must have arrived and would be in your vanity.

Parth feels stressed on realizing that since Niti had not arrived yet, someone else might have found the gift. And so was the case. Charlie was the first one to enter the girls vanity that day and as soon as she entered, she found the mini fan lying on the table in front of her below the mirror. She took it and read the words, "for Niti" and on not finding the name of the person presenting it, she started assuming who it must be. She was aware that Niti's mini fan had been broken the other day and started wondering who must be caring so much for her to have left a new one for her just the next day itself. At first she thought about Ayaz maybe because he cares for her like a little sister but then realized if it would be Ayaz, he would not give it like this without letting her know it's him. Then she thought about Abhishek but realized Abhishek and Niti are not that close friends that he might care so much for her. Next she thought about Parth but jerked away that thought immediately as she knew what equation did Parth and Niti share. The last guess she had got left was Utkarsh and she found it quite appropriate because Uttu and Niti were quite good friends and maybe they were more than that or maybe Utkarsh had more feelings but never spoke about it to he or anyone else as well. She was pretty sure it must be Utkarsh and to confirm it she decided to go to the boys vanity and check who all had already arrived because for the person to leave the gift in the vanity must be on set. 

She left the girls vanity with the mini fan in her hands and went to the boys vanity. She opened the door to find Utkarsh and Parth getting ready for their characters. 

Charlie: Hello boys !

Utkarsh: Hey !

Parth: (constantly thinking about Niti) Hi !

Charlie: You know what guys ? I have a gossip !

Utkarsh: Well then Charlie you are in the wrong place. You must go to the girls vanity for that. We're boys and we're not at all interested in gossips.

Charlie: Oh really ? And when it concerns the boys, still you're not interested ?

Utkarsh: What about us ?

Charlie brings out the mini fan still in it's wrapping of the ribbon in front of them. Parth takes a look at that and starts sweating. Since Charlie's doubt was on Utkarsh, she did not notice Parth's expressions. Utkarsh on the other hand was indifferent. He had a plain expressionless face.

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