Part 45

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Welcome to the PaNi week friends !!!!


Recap: Parth landed up at Niti's place. Both of them start defending their friends in the discussion and end up in a nasty fight !

The next day when Niti comes to the set, Veebha unaware of what had happened the other night, reaches up to Niti with another fake incident about Ayaz to make her talk to Parth about it. As soon as she reaches up to Niti and is about to talk to her, she notices her dull face, swollen eyes and a lost in another world Niti. She suddenly becomes really concerned and asks her softly,

Veebha: (placing her hand softly on her shoulder) Niti, what happened darling ?

Niti: (coming out of her lost world slowly) Nothing. Come let's get ready.

Just as Niti starts moving towards the vanity, Veebha stops her and drags her aside.

Veebha: Niti, look I can clearly see something big has happened. Please tell me. You're making me worry !

Niti: (faking a smile) It's nothing Veebha. I don't know why are you worried.

Veebha: Niti, when you're giving that fake smile, the swollen eyes get more highlighted. So now please don't fake it in front of me. Just speak up !

Niti: I'm sorry Veebha. I could not help you. I tried talking to Parth about Ayaz but instead we ended up in a fight. He was not ready to accept that his friend is at fault. Instead, he was saying that it's you who is after Ayaz.

Veebha: So, you've already talked to him ? I'm so sorry Niti, because of me you lost your friend.

Niti: Oh no not at all ! In fact I'm happy that he is no more a part of my life ! Because whatever he said yesterday, can't be coming out of a good friend's mouth. You know what Veebha ? I had started believing in him. I'm glad my illusion got broken before it was too late. All thanks to you ! But just one bad thing that I could not help you.

Veebha: It's okay Niti. At least you tried. But seriously why are you fighting him for me ? I don't want you to lose your friendship.

Niti: Oh no Veebha, in fact it's good. So, don't be disheartened. Come now let's go get ready.

Parth goes to the boys vanity and on finding that there was no one apart from him and Ayaz, he speaks up,

Parth: Umm Ayaz, sorry bro ! I could not help you !

Ayaz: (confused) Help about what ?

Parth: About the Veebha thing. Actually last night I tried talking to her friend, Niti but it didn't really work out.

Ayaz: why ?

Parth: She wasn't ready to accept that her friend is a psycho ! Instead she was telling me that Ayaz is a psycho and he is after Veebha.

Ayaz: (laughing out loud in his mind) Let it be man ! You tried right ? Now just let go of it. Don't spoil your mood and friendship with Niti.

Parth: What friendship ? If there was really friendship, she should have trusted what I was saying !

Ayaz: So, then even you should have trusted what she was saying ! It might be that she was correct ! You know like, me after that Madhubala ! Possible right ?

Parth: (irritated of his silly jokes) Stop it Ayaz !

Ayaz: Ha ha ha ! okay now let's get ready ! We don't get paid here for solving our problems and making and breaking friendships right ?

On reaching the shoot area, both Parth and Niti keep avoiding each other but it also pains them to be doing that. Their friendship had been beautiful while it lasted but this separation phase was not really tolerable. Veebha and Ayaz notice the differences and the sad faces of their friends and feel bad about what they had done ! They wanted to strengthen their friendship but it turned out bitter !

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