Part 6 (Edited)

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Recap: parth enters the same room as niti for the audition and both of them shout together tum !!

Parth: Listen, don't even utter a single word ! I didn't say anything outside as well. But I don't know what do you think of yourself ?! Just keep blabbering whatever comes to your mind without even thinking twice !

Niti interrupts him..

Niti: Excuse me, I don't think and speak or you ? Don't you remember who was the one misbehaving the other day outside the party ? It was all your fault and you were still shouting at me ! And the watchman uncle, what was his fault ? He had gone to have dinner and you started shouting at him as well ?

Parth: ohh just shut up !!

Niti: why should I shut up ? Even today you were so rude ! You broke my phone !

Parth: So what ? I didn't do it on purpose !

Niti: If it would have been someone else, I might have believed it that it wasn't don on purpose. But, since it's you, I can't even take that excuse !

Just when the two of them were fighting and shouting at each other, the director and assistant director enter the room and watch them fighting madly with each other. The director gives some instructions to the AD and leaves.

The AD then interrupts the fight and tells both of them,
AD: Congratulations! Both of you have just lost the dream chance of working under such a huge banner ! The show is about pure love and romance and since the 2 of you just can't stop fighting, you do not fit into the roles and so you can both leave.

Both parth and niti give a confused look to the director for a while and then realise what had just happened. They suddenly realised they were to be cast opposite each other and they spoiled it all. Niti starts talking to the AD to clarify the misunderstanding and parth just moves out !

Niti: sir, there has been some confusion. Please give me another chance ! I can act as if I.. I love him ! 

She says the last part with a disgust on her face .

AD: I'm sorry niti, but I don't think we can do anything about this.

Niti is disappointed to hear this and leaves.

When she comes out, she sees parth standing there and again goes to talk to him.

Niti: What's your problem ? Why do you have to ruin everything in my life ? Listen Mr. Parth Samthaan, you might not be interested in making your career successful but I am ! Do you even realize how big a show did we just lose ? And you still don't wanna do anything about it ?

Parth: listen ! Who r you to judge me whether my career matters to me or not ?? And it was not my fault ! If you did not have to create a fuss out of every small thing then today, we would have got that show !

Niti: ohh so now you are blaming me for everything ? Mr. Parth let me tell you it was your fault and not mine. Neither would you have behaved with me so rudely, nor would I have got angry, and we wouldn't have even lost the show !

Parth: ohh please ! It was definitely your fault ! Neither would you have created such a big issue out of the party thing or about your phone nor would all of this have happened ! And are you really mad ? All of this has happened and you're still standing outside the same studio and fighting ? And you're dragging me as well into this ! But you know what ? I'm no longer a part of this. Bye !

Parth leaves and after a while even niti leaves with an irritated look !

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