Part 51

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Recap: Manan first hug sequence off screen story. Parth and Niti's first official date.

The next morning was completely different for both Parth and Niti. There was something that had changed between them and both of them were enjoying the change. They felt like they had grown more close towards one another. They knew a lot more about each other and also the hug sequence had created some magic which was still having its effect on them.

Charlie was constantly after Utkarsh to convince him to make them all meet his girlfriend.

Charlie: C'mon yar Uttu ! Don't be a spoil sport ! What's the problem ??

Utkarsh: She won't feel comfortable that's the only problem. 

Charlie: But I promise you, all of us would take good care of her and make her feel comfortable ! Seriously ! 

After a lot of convincing, Utkarsh finally agrees and they plan a small dinner party at Charlie's place that evening so that everyone could meet Utkarsh's girlfriend as well as Amar, Charlie's boyfriend.

Ayaz had had a fight with Priyanka and so he was disturbed about it and was not getting involved in any fun with anyone. Also, he had been missing Veebha badly ! He did not know why was that happening but he convinced himself that since Veebha had become a good friend he wanted to share his and Priyanka's problem with her so that she could help and solve it. But was he really ready to solve the problem or did he just wanted to let go ?

He got down from his vanity dressed as Cabir and he saw Veebha coming in from the main gate. Both of them looked up at each other and kept staring from a long distance. It was as if they were both recalling the days when they used to be so comfortable with one another and now it was like they did not even know what to say to each other. That fear did not let them move forward towards each other for a long time. But after some time of quiet staring, Ayaz started taking small steps towards her and so did Veebha. They came in front of each other and started off with a very formal conversation which was very unlike them !

Ayaz: Hey ! 

Veebha: Hi.

Ayaz: How are you ?

Veebha: I'm good. You ?

Charlie who had been passing by at the same time, noticed the weird formal conversation between the two of them which left her stunned ! Usually on sets, Ayaz, Veebha and Charlie were the gang who would roam around, play, and initiate pranks.

Charlie: Oh hello ! What's wrong with the two of you ? Why are you behaving so weird ? Okay Veebha I have to give you a news. Did Niti tell you ?

Veebha: Umm, no !

Charlie: Well then, hold your breath as I tell you this because you're not gonna be able to believe it !

Veebha: Okay..What is it ?

Charlie: Our Uttu, Utkarsh, he has a girlfriend ! Can you believe it ?

Veebha: (surprised) Oh ! Yeah well I am surprised !

Charlie: I told you ! Come I'll tell you the whole story. Come Ayaz.

Ayaz: Umm no I have a scene.

Charlie: Shut up Ayaz ! You don't have any scene right now. Come on in !

They get into the girls vanity and Charlie starts narrating the whole incident of the mini fan to Veebha. Ayaz who was lost in his own world, participated very rarely in the discussion. Veebha did notice his off mood but wasn't quite sure whether she could ask him about it, considering the fact that they had been feeling kind of uncomfortable with one another nowadays. 

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