Part 38

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Recap: Parth bit by some creature in the jungle while shooting, taken to Niti's place for treatment. Utkarsh helping him change clothes and Niti and Ayaz standing in the balcony from the living room.

Ayaz: So, are you alright now ?

Niti: Yeah I'm good. Why ?

Ayaz: No because you weren't really alright a few hours ago.

Niti: Why did you feel so ?

Ayaz: Niti, I'm not blind alright. I can see what's happening in front of my eyes. But I'm afraid I'm not the only one who can see all of it. If you really wish to hide your friendship, you need to be careful.

Niti: (hesitatingly) So, are we not careful ?

Ayaz: YOU are not careful.

Niti: Why do you say so ?

Ayaz: Look Niti, for all the others except me, you and Parth can't stand each other other than while facing the camera. Both of you are pure professionals, is what everyone knows and thinks because that's what you've been portraying till date. So, then suddenly when you start feeling that type of pain for your "professional" co-actor, that is not something that is acceptable.

Niti: But c'mon Ayaz, he was so hurt how can I be so insensitive ? I mean even Charlie, Veebha and Kriss were disturbed.

Ayaz: Yes but they are his friends.

Niti: So even I am.

Ayaz gives him a "oh really" look and she suddenly turns away.

Ayaz: They don't know it. And I don't mind if they come to know but you would not like it later and that's why I'm saying that please control your emotions and especially your tears in front of the others.

Saying this he moves back into the bedroom to check on Parth leaving Niti in a confused state of mind. She realises that she had been over emotional at his condition but then assures herself that it is natural and anyone would feel that.

The doctor comes with the reports and informs that some poison had been spreading in the leg and therefore immediate treatment was required. He gives him the necessary injections and medicines and leaves. Utkarsh's phone rings,

Utkarsh: Hello ? Yes..Right now ? But I can't come right now. Is it important ? Okay fine I'll come.

He then turns towards Parth and says,

Utkarsh: Sorry buddy I'll have to leave. It's something important.

Parth: It's okay buddy. I'll see you later.

After Utkarsh leaves, even Ayaz leaves the "friends" alone.

Ayaz: I'll come early morning tomorrow. Bye ! Take care.

Niti closes the main door, comes back to the bedroom and sits on the chair beside the bed. Both of them keep looking at each other for a while and then Niti asks,

Niti: How are you feeling now ?

Parth: I don't know, maybe confused !

Niti: Confused ?

Parth: Yes, because I see something on your face which is quite confusing.

Niti: What ?

Parth: Pain !

Niti: What nonsense ? That is something applicable to you as of now.

Parth: Yes it is but right now I see it on your face, in your eyes.

Niti: It's nothing like that.

Parth: What ? I never said anything. Why are you in so much pain for your "professional co-actor" ?

Niti: So, that's what we are ? Just co-actors ?

Parth grabs her hand and pulls her towards him making her fall over his chest, her long hair covering their faces. He leaves her hand on his shoulder and moves his hand towards her hair to move her hair blocking her face, behind her ear. They keep staring into each other's eyes for sometime after which Niti starts feeling uncomfortable and so tries to move away. She tries to pull herself up by pushing his body down but her hand slips and she again falls over him, her hair again covering their faces. This time Parth does not let her go and grabs her hands tight and asks,

Parth: so then what are we according to you ?

Niti: (hesitatingly after a long pause) friends ?

Parth gives out a small laughter, his breath brushing her face and hair and then looks into her eyes,

Parth: yes of course ! Friends ! That's exactly what we are !

He lets go of her hands and she quickly straightens herself. She then instantly moves out of the room feeling shy of what had just happened between the two of them. Her body had been sweating even in that cool atmosphere. Her mind was flooding with numerous questions as to what was it that she had been feeling back then, what was he trying to say, and what did she understand ?

Parth on the other hand was simply giggling at the prank he had just played on her. He knew they were just friends but he was just teasing her. But he was unaware about the effect his teasing had on her.

After about 10 minutes Niti came back into the room trying to ignore what had happened 10 minutes back in that same room. Parth noticed the discomfort on her face,

Parth: Hey I'm sorry for what I did. I was just trying to joke around. That's what friends do right ? But I think my joke turned out a bit odd. Now please cheer up, I don't want to see you like this.

Niti thinks for a while and then gives him a smile and gets seated on the chair beside his bed.

Niti: So, what would you like to have for dinner ? Chinese, continental, Italian, Indian ?

Parth: So, that's the quantum of variety you offer ?

Niti: Yes of course ! But unfortunately all I can get you is soup.

Parth: What ? Soup ? No way ! I'm not having that !

Niti: Aren't you hungry ?

Parth: Of course I am ! But I want to eat some proper food.

Niti: As of now, soup is the most appropriate food for you ! The doctor has asked you to have it and nothing else ! There's poison spreading in your body and we can't take any chances.

Parth: (staring lovingly at her concern) Ms. Niti Taylor, would you please get me a delicious bowl of soup out of your kitchen ? I'm starving and your soup would just be the perfect choice !

Niti gives him a smile and then goes into the kitchen. She then prepares soup out of an internet recipe for both of them. She carries both the soup bowls in a tray into the bedroom. She then helps him sit upright on the bed with the support of few pillows and then offers him the bowl of soup and gets seated on the chair with her own bowl of soup.

Parth: Is poison spreading in your body as well ?

Niti: What ? No !

Parth: Then why are you having soup ? Have some proper food.

Niti: Soups are really healthy and I wish to stay healthy. You got a problem with that ?

Parth: (smiling) No.

They keep chatting till late that night, just the way Parth wanted. He had wished to chat with Niti face to face to be able to get to know her better and that's exactly what happened. Sometime later, Niti fell asleep on the chair itself and Parth wanted to pick her up and carry her to a proper and comfortable couch but his leg did not support him. So, he carefully covered her with a blanket and then himself fell asleep looking at her sweet innocent face sleeping peacefully !


Sorry friends I know I'm too late ! The thing is I had too many guests at my place and therefore I was not getting time to write and update...Really sorry...But I have missed you all a lot ! Hope you guys liked the comeback ! If you did please don't forget to vote, and comment down below with your feedbacks. You know I love to read them.

Thank You !



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