Part 24

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Recap: party at parth's place. Niti unaware of the fact that she was at parth's place.

All of them had been sitting and having discussions of fun topics when Charlie came up with an idea.

Charlie: let's play some game. How about truth or dare ?

Ayaz: no Charlie ! Not truth or dare. Only dare ! Truth is too boring. Besides we all might be knowing almost all of the truth.

Krissan: no that's not true. There are many truths that have not been revealed.

Ayaz: okay fine but then still no truths tonight. Only dare. Agreed ?

All of them agree and they settle themselves on the floor in a circle around the table.

Ayaz finishes a half empty bottle in one go and then spins it on the table. First dare comes on Charlie and the person to give her a dare was ayaz.

Ayaz: (slightly drunk accent) so Charlie, you saw how I finished the half filled bottle right now. Now you have to take a full bottle and finish it off in one go ! You can choose whichever you like.

Charlie: one go ? Ayaz isn't that too much ?

Ayaz: not at all ! It's not impossible at least ! C'mon ! Choose your bottle.

Charlie chooses a bottle randomly and opens the seal. She looks at it for a moment and then takes a look at the others who had been staring at her and waiting for her to complete her dare.

Krissan: go for it Charlie !

She takes it in and finishes the whole bottle in one go !! All of them cheer for her !!

The bottle is spinned again and this time it stops on veebha. And the dare was to be given by utkarsh.

Utkarsh: I know I have a wonderful one for veebha ! We have all seen her as navya naveli on screen and she is that innocent girl on screen always covered completely wearing that salwar kameez. But today as we can all see she is looking hot !

Everybody hoots at that !

Utkarsh: (raising his hands to stop the hooting) so today Ms. Veebha Anand, you will show us the s*xy side of yours !

Aliya starts playing some sensuous music from her phone and veebha after hesitating for a while, gets up and climbs on the couch. She had been wearing skinny pants with a crop top and a jacket over it.

"Zara zara touch me touch me touch me...ohh zara zara hold me hold me hold me...ohh zara zara kiss me kiss me kiss me..."

As the music starts, she removes her jacket and throws it on ayaz who had been constantly staring at her ! She gives a performance that makes all of them keep staring open mouthed ! The performance although was sensuous but was not at all cheap and that was the beauty of it !

The bottle is spinned again and this time it stops on utkarsh and its niti's turn to give him a dare.

Niti: so utkarsh, as you know our cabir from the show. But you know he is a bit upset and he needs your support. So go ahead and give him a tight hug, a romantic one and kiss him.

Charlie: (full drunk) wow Niti !! You're a darling man ! What a dare ! C'mon ! Aww ayaz how you wish you had agreed to the truth part as well.

Utkarsh hesitates a bit but then stands up and extends his arm to ayaz who takes it and stands with him. Utkarsh comes a bit closer to ayaz and looks into his eyes romantically.

Utkarsh: I can understand what you are going through. But don't worry I'm always there for you. Whenever you need me, I'm just one call away. You know I...I love you !

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