Part 25

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It's my 25th part !! And it has to be special ! I have tried to make it as special as possible. I hope you like it !


Recap: all the others fall asleep at parth's place after the party and niti and parth left alone.

He rushed towards the kitchen only to find her fallen on the floor with few vessels around. He quickly helped her get up.

Parth: what happened ?

Niti: actually I was feeling hungry so came in to look for something to eat. I saw that box full of Maggie packets on top and tried to climb up with the help of this stool but still could not reach and then my leg slipped and I fell over.

Parth: ohh okay okay. You do one thing. Take these clothes, go to my bedroom and get changed till then I'll prepare Maggie for you to eat.

Niti: you sure ?

Parth: yes of course. Go ahead.

As she starts moving towards the bedroom, she again slips but this time as soon as Parth hears her scream he holds her and protects her from falling.

Parth: What happened ?

Niti: I can't move my leg. Its paining a lot !

Parth: Oh okay let me see.

He bends down to check her leg while she stands on one leg, holding his shoulders for support. As he bends, he sees her bare feet and quickly turns his face away.

Niti: What happened ?

Parth: Nothing, i'll just check.

He again turns to face her leg and starts feeling nervous on seeing her beautiful feet. He touches her ankle with his hand and suddenly removes his hand with a jerk.

Niti: What's wrong ?

He felt a magical spark on touching her feet that got the reflex action.

Parth: Nothing. Sorry.

This time he controls his emotions and takes her ankle in his hands and tries to twist her leg. But, just as he starts doing so, she gives out a scream that scares him and he suddenly lets go of her leg which makes her fall over him.
He falls on the floor and she falls in his lap. He lifts her in his arms and then carries her towards the bedroom. He carefully places her on the bed and then again bends to check her leg.

Parth: I think its a sprain. You need to take some rest. Do one thing, sit here and get changed. I'll close the door and go to the kitchen to get some pain killer as well as maggie for you to eat.

Niti nods in agreement and Parth leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

Although he did have so many maggie packets at his place but he did not know how to prepare it. Usually his cook used to prepare it for him whenever he wanted. But this time he thinks to himself that he would have to do it as it is a question of his abilities. Also, he cannot let his guest stay hungry.

He keeps all the vessels that had fallen on the ground on the kitchen counter and gets the box full of maggie packets down. He opens the box and takes one packet and starts reading the instructions on the packet. He keeps reading the instructions for almost 5-7 minutes.

Niti had changed into his blue track pants and the white oversized tee shirt he had given to her. On successfully getting changed into those comfortable clothes after a lot of struggle, she waits for some more time and when Parth still does not arrive she decides to try and walk to the kitchen in case he might be needing some help. She tries to get up but the pain fails her ! She then finds her phone lying beside her. She realises Parth must have got it from the drawing room. She quickly dials his number.

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