Part 9 (Edited)

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The schedule for the next day was to start the shoot of the 1st promo and to start with the rehearsal of promo 2 that would feature Manik and Nandini aka Parth and Niti.

The shoot was scheduled at 9 am and Niti was given the script for her promo with Parth which she needed to rehearse with him once. All the others were present except for Parth. He arrived at 9.45 and Niti was furious at him. When he went into her vanity for the rehearsal, she again started scolding him. 

Parth tried to stay cool and said,

Parth: Listen, I can answer all your questions right away if I want. If you aren't aware of the whole situation then it's better to just shut your mouth ! Why don't you just be in your character, calm and composed Nandu ! I don't want to create a scene here so let's just rehearse.

Niti: I'm already really calm and composed but when I've got to deal with a monster as you, I just can't calm down !

Niti wanted to still shout but then decided against it and they start rehearsing. Post lunch was their 1st promo shoot. And after wrapping up with that, Niti and the other girls had become quite good friends and so decided to go out for dinner directly from the shoot. When all of them were leaving together, Ayaz spotted them and asked where were they going ?

Charlie: We're going out for dinner. You guys wanna join ? Come let's go together. 

Krissan, veebha and niti also joined in asking them to join. Ayaz agreed to it and said he would get the other 2 boys and meet them at the venue. The girls left and Ayaz went on to talk to Parth and Utkarsh who were still in the vanity.

Ayaz: Come on brothers ! We have an invitation for dinner with the girls. They were all leaving together and when I asked them about it they said they were going for dinner and asked us to join as well. I thought it would be nice to get to know each other so that it will be more fun on sets as well then. 

Utkarsh: Yeah you're actually right ! Okay then let's go.

Parth thinks for a moment and asks, 

Parth: Umm Ayaz, who all are going ?

Ayaz: Are you deaf or what ? I told you, all the girls and the 3 us, I mean, Krissan, Veebha, Charlie and Niti

As soon as Parth heard "Niti" he decided he did not want to be part of the gathering ! He just did not want to be around her because he knew they would fight again and that would not be such a good idea considering the fact that they still had to work together.

Parth: Umm actually the thing is I'm really very tired and since we don't have shoot tomorrow so I'm going out early morning. So, I think I'll just take some rest and you guys carry on. 

Ayaz: Oh Come on ! It will be fun !

Parth: No Ayaz. I mean yeah of course it will be fun but I will seriously have to miss it. Sorry man ! Some other time. (He made a sad puppy to convince them into his story)

Ayaz: Alright then ! We'll see you later ! Come Utkarsh, say bye to Parth uncle and off we go for the fun!

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