Part 35

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Recap: Parth and Niti are caught red handed by Ayaz. They explain to him the whole situation and he agrees to help them keep it a secret. However, Ayaz does smell something more than friendship between Pani.

Ayaz keeps supporting Pani and this goes on for a few days. Next comes a scene which makes both the "professional" actors, nervous.

Both of them are at their own homes when they receive the mail of the next track and manan scene.

The scene is the store room sequence where Manik and Nandini are accidentally locked and they share quite a few intense moments. The first thing that makes both of them nervous is the part when Nandini falls off from the stool and her dress gets torn, Manik holds her in his hands and his hand touches her bare skin at the back.

Niti, thinking to herself,

"Yeah I know it is going to be just a scene and that too with so many separate shots and retakes but still I don't understand why such scenes make me nervous. Maybe because it's Parth and we are just friends. But I have done many scenes before with my friends as well but never felt such nervousness before. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow ?!"

Parth, thinking to himself on reading the same part,

"It's not like I have never touched another girl like that but with Niti, it's different. We are friends and more so I kind of respect her and don't know if I would be able to do such scenes with her. But if she supports, we might be able to work it out."

The next day at shoot, they start with the same store room sequence. First are the parts where both of them shout at each other at having landed up together. Being professionals, they manage to do all those scenes very well but then comes the part where Manik helps Nandini escape with the help of a window and she has to climb up on a stool.

Director: Okay so Parth you have to assure her that she can climb and that you have held the stool really tight. Niti, you have to be scared and try to climb first without any support and then after a while keep your right hand on his left shoulder very softly. That's when the two of you will share an eye lock.

Both Parth and Niti nod to the director in agreement and take up the scene. The stool they had been using for the scene was actually not very stable and that made Niti more conscious. While doing the scene, when Nandini was nervous of climbing up and Manik assured her that he had held the stool tight and that she would be fine, even Parth's eyes kind of communicated with Niti and she felt the assurance from him that he is there for her. She kept looking into his eyes for a longer time and the director had to cut the scene.

Director: Niti, don't look towards him so much. You have to be nervous. Even after he assures you, you still need to be nervous.

Niti: But sir when Parth assures me, I mean when Manik assures Nandini, it should be so powerful that she trusts him right ?

Parth who is checking his phone, standing in a corner, instantly looks up to confirm what his ears just heard. Niti trusts him, this brought a smile on his face but suddenly his heart reminded him that she had been talking about Manik and Nandini and not Parth and Niti.

Director: You are right Niti, but you can't suddenly become so confident you know ? Nandini still does not completely trust the monster. Get it ?

Niti: Yeah you are right.

Director: Okay then ready ? Let's take a retake for that one.

Niti: Okay.

They again start with the scene and Nandini is scared at first to climb onto the small stool but Manik assures her that he would save her. She then slowly tries to climb up and he gives her his hand to hold for support. When Manik extends his hand, Nandini suddenly becomes Niti and blushes and the director again cuts the scene.

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