Part 39

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Recap: Parth and Niti left alone at Niti's place. Both of them fell asleep while chatting till late night.

Niti suddenly wakes up with the noise of the door bell early morning. She realises she had fallen asleep on the chair itself and as soon as she tried to straighten herself, her body started aching because of the uncomfortable position in which she had been sleeping. She stretches her body but the door bell kept ringing and she quickly moved to open the door as she did not want Parth to wake up due to that. She quickly opened the door to find Ayaz, Charlie, Utkarsh, Veebha, and Krissan standing at the door step.

Nandini: oh hey ! Good morning. What are you all doing here so early in the morning ? I mean it's just 6.45.

Veebha: sorry to disturb you Niti. Actually...

Niti: I'm not disturbed Veebha. It's alright come in. I know you've come for Parth.

Charlie: how is he now ?

Niti: sleeping. In there (points towards her bedroom)

Everybody moves into the bedroom except for Veebha who stays back with Niti in the hall.

Veebha: Are you okay ? I mean you had to spend the entire night with someone you don't get along too well. Was everything alright ?

Niti: yeah Veebha I'm completely alright. It's not like we actually "spent the night" together.

Veebha: (curious) do you wish to tell me something ?

Niti: no. Why ?

Veebha: nothing. Okay listen we haven't spent any good time together for a very long time. Let's go out today ?

Niti: today ? But Veebha look at parth's condition. How can we leave him like that ? (Suddenly realising she should not sound too concerned for her "professional co-actor") I mean he is staying at my place na. So how can I go ?

Veebha: (realising there is something Niti had been trying to hide) yeah right ! No problem we'll go some other day. But soon.

Niti: done !

They then join the others in the bedroom where they find that Parth was awake and everyone was sitting around him and chatting.

Parth was enjoying everyone's company but he was missing the time he had spent with his new friend Niti. He stole few glances at her not letting the others notice. He then wanted all of them to leave so that he would again have complete attention from Niti.

Parth: Umm so, don't you all have to go for shoot ?

Krissan: How can we go man ? Look at your condition. We can't leave you alone.

Parth: Oh I'm alright. I think you must not miss the shoot. I mean it's important. And, and the director would be angry !

Charlie: You don't worry about that. He has himself permitted us a day off today.

Parth's eyes fall out of the sockets at that !

Utkarsh: (noticing Parth's strange reaction) What happened buddy ? Are you okay ?

Parth: (straightening his face) Umm yeah ! I'm good. Just really excited ! I'll have all my friends here with me all day long.

Everyone gets convinced and they again start chatting. Parth feels depressed for some more time but then gives up and accepts the fact that it's not going to be easy spending time with his "friend".

The girls move into the kitchen after some time to prepare coffee for everyone and the boys keep chatting in the bedroom. Parth really misses Niti and so picks up his phone and texts her. Niti feels overjoyed on seeing parth's text on the screen of her phone but before she could open it, Charlie takes away her phone and puts it aside saying,

Charlie: Niti ! I've been asking you something !! Where are the coffee mugs ? Is this the way you treat your guests ?

Niti: (confused at first but then relaxing herself) oh so are you really a guest ?

Charlie: yes of course !

Niti: then go and wait in the hall and I will get coffee for my "guests".

She starts pushing Charlie away playfully and both of them start laughing, Veebha and Krissan noticing the duo from a distance.

Charlie: (still laughing) okay okay ! We aren't your guests ! Now would you please show us the way to the Royal mugs ??

Niti: So dramatic Charlie !!

Charlie: yup ! That's me !

They then prepare the coffee as carry the mugs to the bedroom. Parth had been boiling with anger as Niti had not replied to his message. Niti took one cup of coffee and offered it to Parth who turned away his head angrily ! Niti suddenly realised she hadn't replied to his message and she rushed into the kitchen to get her phone that she had left there after the conversation with Charlie. She quickly opened his text which read,

Parth: you need to pay attention to your patient ! It's your duty since I am staying here ! But you don't seem to care ?!

Niti instantly replies standing in the kitchen itself,

Niti: really sorry ! Please don't be angry ! Actually I was about to reply when Charlie took away my phone and it was difficult to text in front of her.

She then rushes back into the bedroom with her phone and the mug of coffee. Parth already had one in his hands by then and therefore Niti kept the mug she had, for herself. Parth had not been checking his phone that had niti's reply to his anger. Niti kept signalling him to check his phone but he was so angry he just did not bother to accept her plea. She then took advantage of a situation where the others weren't noticing and quickly took his phone from his side, opened her message and handed it to him and angrily indicated him to read it ! He finally gave up and read her message after which his anger dissolved and he gave her a faint smile.

In the afternoon, the doctor came with other reports and for the checkup. He declared that the wound was much better then and healing.

Doctor: luckily, the poison did not spread too much. Just some more rest, few medicines and you should be just fine ! You can resume shoot from tomorrow. But for that, you need to take complete rest tonight.

Parth had been missing the soup Niti had prepared for him. Although she would again prepare the same tonight but it won't be the same. The two of them won't be alone to share few chats till midnight, rather they'll have the whole gang to accompany them. All the others had decided to stay back at niti's place and then go for shoot together the next day. Th boys accompany Parth on the bed and the girls sleep in the hall.

Precap: jungle sequence. Nandini to fall off from the cliff, Manik to save her. Off screen story for this sequence.

Tomorrow: manan ff. Selection of 3rd band member for Manik and Navya !


Nothing really special in today's episode but the next one I'll try to make more interesting for sure...hope you guys enjoy....

Thank you !



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