Part 41

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Sorry friends, I know I'm so late but I had a test in the evening so was studying for that. Also I would like to thank all of you for supporting me and loving me so much. I'm glad I'm able to entertain you all so much.....I would like to thank each and every one of you who reads my stories, also all my silent readers....And I would like to tell you all that I love you....Thank you so much once again for everything....


Recap: Jungle and cliff scene. Fight between Parth and Niti. Parth jealous of Utkarsh. Veebha asks Niti to stay back at her place and Ayaz decides to surprisingly reach Parth's place.

(At Veebha's place)

Veebha: (giving Niti a tight hug) Finally Nitiiii !!!! You and me....Just you and me after such a long time !!!!!!

Niti: Yeah !! It's been really long.

Veebha: So, I've to talk about so many things. But first I need to ask few things. And you WILL answer all my questions !! DO you get that ?

She says that in a higher pitch to give a serious feel of her warning.

Niti: (confused) Okay Veebha but what's wrong with you ? Why are you talking like that ? I will obviously answer all your questions, after all, we are best friends.

Veebha: (giving out a big sigh !) Thank god you remember that ! That I'm your best friend. Or else, since the past few weeks, I was feeling like there exists no relation except for co-actors between you and me.

Niti: No Veebha. How can you say so ? Yeah maybe, past few weeks, we've all been busy with shoot and stuff so maybe that's the reason we could not spend time together. But now I'm all ears to you. C'mon tell me ? What's going on ?

Veebha: There's a lot going on in my life as well as your life !

Niti: (hesitatingly) My life ? What's going with my life ? Nothing. There's nothing.

Veebha: See, you're again behaving like a stranger to me.

Niti: Okay fine. Yes there is a lot going on. But I'm afraid to tell you. You might scold me for not telling you for so long.

Veebha: So, if you don't tell me, am I going to forgive you ? C'mon now start ! What's happening between you and Parth ?

Niti: You know it's about him ?

Veebha: Of course Niti. Many on sets have started to notice.

Niti: Many as in ? Who ?

Veebha: As of now it's just me, Ayaz and Utkarsh. But now please start off. The suspense is killing me.

Niti then starts off the whole story as to how did she and Parth become such good friends and how have they been hiding things from the whole cast and crew. Veebha was all the while listening to each and every even with extended curiosity and excitement as if watching a movie full of twists and turns. At last when Niti ended the discussion by telling her about the most recent fight they had, Veebha started laughing out loud. She fell over on the bed and started rolling while laughing out loud. Niti was looking at her all confused and was asking her to stop but Veebha just could not control her laughter. After about 3-4 minutes of continuous laughter while Niti had been sitting on one side of the bed with her hand on her forehead and her head bent low, and Veebha lying on the bed laughing, she finally gathers herself and sits upright beside Niti. She takes Niti's hand and makes her remove it from her forehead so that she could look at her face. As soon as she takes a look at her face, she again starts laughing out loud but this time Niti does not let her fall over on the bed. She holds both her hands and makes her look at her. She gives her a tough look expressing "It's enough now !" and that's when Veebha controls her laughter.

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