Part 52

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Congratulations to PRITI GUPTA who is the winner of the edits competition we had conducted for the valentines day. I know I'm quite late in making the announcement and I'm sorry about it..Thank you Priti for this lovely edit which is now the cover page of my PaNi ff.. The winner for Manan ff is not yet decided as I do not have enough entries for it. And friends for those who haven't won please don't be upset. I have made the selection on the basis on my requirements for a cover picture..I loved all the edits and it was really difficult for me to choose from all of them but I selected based on certain criteria. Thank you so much to all of you for sending those Lovely lovely edits.... :) <3


Recap: Ayaz and Priyanka fight. Veebha convincing Ayaz to come over for the dinner at Charlie's place. Niti the first one to reach to help Charlie with the arrangements.

Charlie: it's so late ! Why hasn't anybody arrived yet ?

Niti: I know ! Nobody is on time !

Charlie: let me call them up and ask.

Amar: (coming from behind) this is not a class that everybody needs to be on time.

Charlie: yeah but for shoot everyone is always on time because of the fear of the director and right now..

Charlie: yeah but for shoot everyone is always on time because of the fear of the director and right now

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Amar: what ? You think they would be scared of you ?

Both Amar and Niti start laughing at that and Charlie makes a puppy face and leaves her phone aside.

The next ones to arrive are Veebha and Krissan. As they arrive, all the girls start chatting and enjoying while in the kitchen itself. Veebha was however, not quite present in the present situation. She was constantly thinking of Ayaz. She just hoped he would agree to her and come for the dinner so that she could try and help him come out of that zone she found him a while ago while talking on the phone. Just then the bell rang and for once Veebha thought it might be Ayaz and Charlie said,

Charlie: must be definitely Ayaz ! I know out of all the boys, he is the one most excited for parties like these ! Umm, Niti could you please open the door ? I think Amar is taking a shower.

Niti nods her head with a smile and moves towards the main door. As soon as she opens the door, she finds Parth standing there, who also seemed to be surprisingly happy to find Niti welcoming him. All his way he had been thinking about her, eager to meet her again and now that she was standing there in front of him, he was unable to say anything ! He took one quick look at her blue shorr dress and her hair curled and let loose. As usual she was looking stunning and he remembered the other night when she had been actually looking like a princess in the white dress. Both of them kept staring for a while and got distracted by Charlie's voice from the kitchen,

Charlie: who's it Niti ?

Niti does not respond and simply rushes to the kitchen back to join the others. Parth gets in, closes the door behind him and settles himself on the couch. Charlie peeps out of the kitchen and waves at Parth. She then surprisingly asks Niti,

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