Hello friends !

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Hello friends !! I'm really thankful to all of you for the tremendous support I've gained within this short span of time from all of you ! "Pani - a story we wish were true" happened because I'm a big pani fan just like all of you ! I know they are not together but I so wish they were ! They make me feel love in the true sense even when they are just acting as manik and nandini...so their pani would be much more powerful was what I thought and started imagining a story about them...when I found the story going further in my head, I thought if I am enjoying it so much just by imagining then I should definitely share it with the world and each and every person who like me wishes the same ! And so I came up with this !

But now friends I need much more of your support ! I need more coverage for my story and so I request all of you if you have ever liked my story then please please share it with others and get me more coverage ! Because believe me, more people, more votes and more comments really motivates me ! These days all I am doing is working on this story and thinking how to make it better for you people, working on what you all like to see, working on any negative feedbacks as well...so if you believe I deserve this then please help me...

Now, there's one last thing I need to share with you guys ! All of us are definitely manan fans as well and after pani I have come up with manan...I have another ff on manan which is called "manan ff - unconditional love". I have only uploaded the introduction till now and would like to know from you all whether you would like to read it or not ?? Please give me your feedbacks on it.

Also, keep reading "pani - a story we wish were true" as there is a lot that going to happen and I'm not ending this anytime soon ! But for that, and to keep me going I need your increased support throughout ! So keep voting, commenting and sharing !!

Thank you !

Sorry if this was a bit too boring but I wanted to chat with my new found friends ! Wanted to open my heart out to all of you ! I love you all !!

PANI-a story we wish were true !Where stories live. Discover now