Part 53

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Recap: Dinner at Charlie's place. Utkarsh's girlfriend Rhea introduced to everyone.

After the dinner, Veebha needed to talk to Ayaz and therefore she faked her car not working. Saying that she asked Ayaz to drop her home and he could not refuse since they were surrounded by the others.

Veebha's plan worked as the silent drive in the dark night made Ayaz open up in front of her. He explained to her how he thought Priyanka had been cheating on him and that he could not trust her anymore.

Veebha: But Ayaz you should talk to her about it before making any judgement.

Ayaz: I have talked to her and she has all the excuses for that. You know all this while I never had a hint that Priyanka might do something like this. I loved her because I could trust she was completely different than the others.

Veebha: I feel you still are taking a decision in a hurry. I think you should let her explain. Talk to her and ask her to tell you the truth without any hesitation. Hear her out and then decide.

Her calm words made him rethink over and he agreed to talk to her another time. Veebha was happy for Ayaz because she knew he loved her but was also having a strange depressing feeling inside her heart which she could not really understand.

Just as Parth reached home, his phone rang and he checked it to find Niti calling. He immediately picked it up with a shy smile on his face.

Parth: hey !

Niti: have you checked your mail ?

Parth: what ? No. For what ?

Niti: it's about the next track in the show.

Parth: okay. And what is it about ? And why do you seem so scared ?

Niti: nandini's drunk sequence !

Parth: what ?

Niti: Nandini's drink would be spiked and she would behave all stupidly drunk in front of Manik.

Parth: (laughs out loud) what ? That is amazing ! I'm sure the scene would turn out hilarious !

Niti: (angrily) do you really find this so funny ?

Parth: (trying to control his laughter) okay. Sorry. But how did this come up ? I mean we've been rehearsing for that dance sequence for some days now then when is this going to happen.

Niti: it says it's going to be during and after that party where we dance together. Parth could you come over to my place right now ?

Parth: what ? Like now ? But why ?

Niti: okay let it be. Okay then I'll speak to you later...

Parth: (interrupting her) no no..I'm coming. Don't worry.

Niti was really stressed about the drunk sequence. She did not know what to do and how to prepare for it. As she had been find if acting since childhood, she had seen many actors' drunk scenes and had always praised them all for such a wonderful talent they possess to be able to do such scenes so perfectly. But now that it had come to her, she wasn't sure how would she be able to do it.

She had been pacing up and down in her living room till Parth arrived. As soon as he rang the doorbell, she ran towards the door and opened it. Parth took one look at her stressed face and thought it to be a good idea that he came over. He could not imagine her condition had he not arrived to help her out. More so, he was glad she found the right person to talk to about such stress to be him.

She dragged him inside, closed the door and moved to her bedroom leaving him in the living room. She was back a few seconds later with her laptop that had the script from the mail. She handed it to him to take a look and both of them sat together to read it through. Niti had already read it 10 times by now and she had the whole script by heart ! After going through the whole part, Parth kept the laptop aside and turned to face Niti who looked up at him again with that fear in her eyes.

He softly took her hands in his, looked straight into his eyes and said,

Parth: Niti, you can do this. Just be confident. 

Niti: (calming down) But how ?

Parth lets go of her hands which leaves her surprised but he instantly picks up her laptop and starts searching something on it. As soon as he gets what he wanted, he places the laptop on the table in front of them for Niti to see.

He had took up few videos on drunk sequences from bollywood movies which would help Niti prepare for her act. Niti looked up at him with hope lightening up in her eyes, and the glowing confidence that she can do it, now that she had Parth by her side. 

They searched for numerous videos that would help her and also discussed on certain parts where both of them could decide together on how to do a particular scene. At the end of it, Niti was feeling relieved as her "new friend" had helped her so well in overcoming her fear. They had been rehearsing the part the way they had thought of it and when they finished with the last part, Niti was so excited she immediately threw herself to Parth in a bear hug which brought a smile on Parth's face and he too hugged her back tightly. 

The next day was the dance sequence and for that again, Parth and Niti had been rehearsing since morning while the shoot for the others was going on. Ayaz had taken a half day off as he needed to go and talk to Priyanka as guided by Veebha. Veebha had been waiting for the half day to come to an end as she was eager to meet Ayaz and find out the truth. She knew Ayaz would be heartbroken if he came to know what he had been thinking was true and somehow even she knew it was true but she could not take a chance. When he did not arrive for a long time, she started getting restless to know the reason for his delay. Just then she saw the door of the girls vanity open up and she hoped it would be Ayaz. As soon as the door was opened, she saw him and ran to him to give him a tight hug. He had been lost in his thought but just as Veebha crashed with him into the hug, he held her tight and did not let go. He felt contented after the heartbreak he had been dealing with for quite some time alone.

After a while, Veebha realized what she had just done and therefore let go instantly and said in an apologetic tone, "Umm..Sorry..I don't know..Just..Sorry.."

Ayaz: Please don't be sorry. It felt good, after all that drama out there.

Veebha looked up at him to find his gloomy face. She immediately knew what would have happened and therefore moved closer, took his hands in her, made him look up at her and said,

Veebha: Everything is going to be just fine. Just give it some time and you'll come out of it. Trust me.

Precap: Manan Dance sequence and Nandini drunk scene off screen stories. Ayaz and Veebha coming closer. 


Friends I hope you're not bored with the ongoing track. So, let me just ask you all straight, do you want to see more off screen stories or do you want me to jump all of it and show PaNi love confession ? Because friends if I go according to what I have thought, then the love confession is going to take a bit more episodes. But if you all are eager to see that then I would have to skip few off screen stories like the Diwali sequence and maybe a few more. See this story does not only belong to me, you all have a very important role to play in it and therefore I'm asking. Please leave in your feedbacks and I will consider the one with the highest votes.

P.S. My parts would be shortened because of studies. Please try and understand. But I will try to give more content even in the short parts. Whenever possible I will also give longer updates.

Thank you !

Lots of love <3

Medhavi :)



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