Part 27

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Recap: Pani new growing friendship.

Niti and veebha reach the shoot venue together and as soon as Niti reaches, spot dada comes to her and informs her that they have a Pani interview in 1 hour and so she needed to get dressed fast. On hearing the news, she was quite excited as it would be the first time they would behave normally with each other on set and that too for an interview. She started deciding about what and how to say in the interview. It should not seem too much of their friendship as it's just the beginning but it should also not seem very pale. Their fans would want to know about their relationship off screen and now that they are friends there is no harm in revealing it. She was really excited about all of it ! She quickly went to her vanity to get dressed as Nandini murthy.

On the other hand when parth was told about the interview it seemed like he was all prepared and did not need to think about it so much ! He got dressed as Manik malhotra and reached for the shoot. He saw Niti from a distance, she seemed all chirpy and laughing her heart out in conversation with someone. He could not see the person she seemed to be so happy with. It must be her best friend Veebha I suppose, he thought to himself, or maybe ayaz, he knows just how to cheer up someone. He might be trying to cheer her up so that she would not think about the pain in her leg. He took a look at her leg which still had the bandage on. I wish she gets rid of this pain fast ! He is looking at her from a distance when ayaz and veebha come up to him.

Ayaz: (patting on his shoulder) sup man ?

Parth instantly looks at ayaz and veebha standing beside him and is confused as to who might it be with whom Niti seems to be so happy ? Ayaz and veebha are surprised to see his changing expressions.

Veebha: what happened parth ? Don't worry we won't ask you again about last night. We understand it would be really personal for you to share it with us. (Giggles)

Parth does not respond and moves forward to take a look at the person with whom Niti had been chatting all this while, seeming too happy and cheerful ! He reached her only to find that she was sitting with utkarsh which made him really furious ! Niti looked up to find him standing before her and gave him a shy smile but parth did not respond. He was boiling with anger inside and just moved away towards his vanity.

Once in the vanity he started thinking as to why was utkarsh and niti's friendship affecting him so much ? Utkarsh was his best buddy on set yet he did not like him or rather he hated him when he was too close to niti. He realises his behaviour is not appropriate and decides to stay calm. Just then utkarsh comes in,

Utkarsh: hey buddy ! What's wrong ? Why did you come in like that ?

Parth: nothing. I just left my phone here and came to take it. Come let's go.

They move out of the vanity and join the others who are discussing about the party last night.

Charlie: so, niti when and how did you come to know that the "beautiful house" you had been praising was of parth and not ayaz ?

Niti: after all of you fell asleep.

Krissan: and how did you come to know.

Niti did not wish to describe the whole incident to them and she was saved by the directors call for a fab 5 scene and everyone except herself and veebha had to leave. Charlie moved with a puppy face as she was in no mood to work that morning and was still in that party mood !

Veebha: as of now director sir saved you ! What will you do later ?

Niti: I really don't know ! But I just don't feel like sharing it with all of them. I mean they are my friends and I don't mind sharing my feelings with them but not this time. I feel
Like those moments last night belonged only to us and I don't want to give them away to anyone else !

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