Part 23

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First of all a big thanks to all of you for your support, my story has reached a 40 votes on 2 parts and it's an amazing feeling for me ! It makes me feel so happy to see all this support ! I can't describe how happy you guys have made me. All I can say is a big big thank you to each and every one reading my story !


Recap: accidental kiss between pani. Parth and disha break up.

The next day they had to first finish off the accidental kiss scene as it was left in between the other day.

This time they get it done in one take itself. As the director instructs "action!", niti falls over parth taking him to the ground and they come too close for their lips to accidentally brush a little. Niti's loose hair comes over parth's face and he takes it and puts it behind her ear. Both of them again share an eye lock but then quickly realise they were doing a scene and therefore come back to the acting where they just get up and move away in opposite directions.

This time it was parth who was thinking about the kiss. "It wasn't an actual kiss and also it was just a scene then why am I feeling so different about it ? Damn ! What is this feeling ?"

Niti had again felt that magical spark when their lips brushed during the scene and also during the eye lock which was definitely an improvisation. An unplanned improvisation.

During the lunch break that day, everyone was sitting together all the boys and girls.

Ayaz: so guys and girls ! Our show is slowly reaching the peak and so there needs to be some celebration ! 

All of them shout together "wohooo !!"

Ayaz: so, so....tonight we go out for a party ! My place !

Charlie: why your place ayaz ? Let's go somewhere out !

Ayaz: are you mad ? We can't go in front of the public like that. And that too all of us together. We can't be that visible.

Krissan: yeah he is right. So it's decided, ayaz's place it is !

At that, both Niti and parth start off together, "umm..I..."

And all the others stop them ! "No !"

Utkarsh: none of you get any excuses and you have to be there. What's the time ayaz ?

Ayaz: 9 PM sharp !

Utkarsh: (talking to both Niti and parth) 9 pm sharp ! We will see you there. No more arguments ! And now let's head back to the shoot. We need to wrap up early today for the party.

They depart for the shoot and later in the evening leave for their respective homes to meet at the party at ayaz's.

While leaving ayaz calls veebha and utkarsh aside to talk about something.

Ayaz: listen we have made the plan and also made it to be strictly followed but both parth and niti are definitely going to use their brilliant minds to not come to the party. So you guys have to make sure that does not happen. Veebha you will get Niti and utkarsh you will get your best buddy.

Both veebha and utkarsh nod an okay and they all depart.

After reaching home, parth sent a message in the group after some time that he is not feeling well and therefore would not be able to attend the party. Just as he sends the message, his door bell rings and he opens it to find utkarsh.

Parth: utkarsh ! What are you doing here ?

Utkarsh: (dramatically) my best friend is not well and you are asking me what am I doing here ? As soon as I got your text I came by to be with you.

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