Chapter 4: It's nice to meet you

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      • SM ACADEMY •
              1:51 PM

"Hyoyeon-ah."Tiffany called out, walking out from the cafeteria doors. She looked around, panicked. What if she already lost the person she was suppose to be taking care of that day? The principal would not over-look that, surely.

Tiffany took a jog down the hallways, looking everywhere for the mysterious blonde. Still calling out her name every now and then. "Where could she be....?" She wondered.

She sighed heavily, not liking the start of her job. Tiffany took a small turn to the right, ready to search every part of the school this time. She took a few steps forward with the plan on her mind. The idea was cut off though when she heard soft voices.

"You'-....cute....-e... P......t."A familiar voice came to Tiffany's attention, the high pitch yet raspy sound of Kim Hyuna's voice was heard.

'Ah... Hyuna! She was the one chasing after Hyoyeon-ah with her friends. Maybe they know where she is..??' The American girl encouraged herself silently, she grasped the handle of the door and opened it slightly to peek inside. She didn't see anyone at first but after looking a bit to the middle of the classroom, she notices that the 4 Minute girls were all standing there. Surrounding someone.

That someone being Hyoyeon.

"I-I need to leave..."The soft voice of Hyoyeon's came to Tiffany's attention. "The Principal might be looking for me..."

"True, he 'might be' looking for you but that's okay." Hyuna giggled. "You have time to chat with us before he finds you."she commented, motioning to herself and her friends.

"B-But I-I--" Tiffany was surprised at the amount of times Hyoyeon was stuttering, it was unusual. She didn't think the girl would be such a nervous wreck, maybe she has social anxiety??

"No buts, Hyoyeon-ah." Ji-hyun cut in. "You shouldn't be worried anyways, it's not even your first day of school." She pointed out, inching closer to the awkward girl.

"...."Hyoyeon didn't say anything at this point, she stayed quiet. Doing this while attempting to move away from the girls that took steps closer to her.

"You can worry about your tour tomorrow, for now you should come hang out with us."Ga-yoon suggested, placing a hand on the timid girl's shoulder. Causing her to jerk back. "Hmm...? Cute reaction." She giggled softly. "Makes me wanna bully you more~~"

"Bully her..? I should do something..."Tiffany states to herself before opening the door loudly. Getting the attention of the occupants in the room. "Excuse me, have you girls seen-- Hyoyeon-ah! There you are! The principal asked me to give you a tour around school, since something came up and he became busy."

"Hwang, we're in the middle of something right now." Hyuna rose a brow at the American. "Go away."she stated in English, hoping she would listen.

"No thank you, I need to do my job."Tiffany gave her usual eye smile and waltzed up to them, pushing pass the 4 Minute girls and getting to Hyoyeon. "Come on, let's go."Tiffany took hold of Hyoyeon's hand, grasping it firmly before leading her out of the room. Walking back in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Tsk...." Hyuna clicked her tongue in frustration at what just happened. She took a deep breath and sighed. "Fine. We can just play with her later." She tells her group with a small grin before leading them away, going in a different direction.

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