Chapter 27

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Hyoyeon's POV

I stare outside the driver's seat window intensely, watching as Baekhyun and Taeyeon walk into the mall. Holding hands and constantly flirting. "Ew..." I breathed out in disgust, leaning back into my seat. Taeyeon holding hands with someone like that, gross. Who knows what he's touched.

"Why exactly are you disgusted by that?"Jessica questioned me, crossing her arms as she sat in the passengers seat.

"I'm not used to seeing couples like that."I replied honestly. Although, sometimes I feel like I should be used to seeing that type of thing. There was a sort of feeling in me every time I see a couple, as if I had experienced that type of thing before. But the more I think about it, the more my head starts to hurt. So I'm left blank at that point. "It's really icky. I don't understand how they can be so sweet to each other."

"Get used to it hubby~"Tiffany giggled from the back, Prince sitting in her lap. I stare at her from the rear view mirror. "What? You're going to have to learn. Right Jessie?"

"Hmph, she's not wrong."Jessica huffed in agreement. "So, what are we doing here again??"

"I'm taking you two on a date."I answered, not even looking at her as I kept an eye on Taeyeon and Baekhyun. The two close by the exit of the mall, they seemed to have been looking around the stores close by. I ducked down when Baekhyun turned his head to look out the glass window, his eyes scanning the area.

"Aghh, you're so weird."Jessica smacked my arm. "What are you doing??" Gosh, for a lazy girl, she sure does hit hard.

"I dropped my..glasses.."I sat back up when I saw it was safe and pushed my glasses up. "Anyways, we should probably get going.... about... now?" Sneaking a glance at Taeyeon again, I saw that the couple was moving now. Going towards the middle of the mall. "Alright, let's get going."I reassured myself, getting out of Tiffany's car. Jessica and Tiffany follow along and get out of the car, allowing me to lock it. I shove the car keys into my pocket.

"Hubby, can you open the trunk? The puppy stroller is inside."Tiffany asked me. Puppy stroller? They have those?? What the heck. I decided to go along with things and open the trunk for Tiffany, taking the said stroller out and arranging it so it was properly standing. "Prince~ Mommy is putting you in the stroller, okay? Be good~"

I watched as the pink-loving American placed her precious dog into the stroller, laying him down on his back then putting the shade down to block him from the sunlight. Is it really necessary to lay him down like that? Just put him in normally, he would eventually lay down himself right?

"Hubby, come push the stroller."


"Who else would I be talking to?"Tiffany stared at me in awe as she links arms with Jessica again. "We're going shopping, so please do your best in watching Prince."

"Wait, what do I do while you two are shopping??"

"Watch Prince and follow us, if you want to that is."

"Are you sure I should be watching him?? Does he even... is he okay with strangers?"

"Even a stranger could get close to my little Prince."Tiffany cooed sweetly, staring at Prince with loving eyes. "He's the sweetest puppy ever~~"

"Right, right..."I nodded slowly, getting an idea. Instead of following after the two, I could stalk after Taeyeon and Baekhyun. Although, it would look weird with the stroller.... 'Hold on, this isn't really counted as a... date if they're leaving me to go shopping, right?'

JeTi lead me into the mall now as I push the stroller awkwardly. When we passed the doors, the two ran off to some clothing store, leaving me along with Prince. 'Welp, they went away fast..' I sighed heavily before pushing Prince along, walking towards the middle of the mall to see if I can spot Taeyeon or Baekhyun anywhere.

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