Chapter 11: That's a Start

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November 5 , 2014 Wednesday

6:42 AM

No One's POV

It was now the day after Taeyeon sprained her ankle and Hyoyeon hurt her back. Bom suggested that Taeyeon stay home that day and rest, so she doesn't stress out about her injury, same goes for Hyoyeon.

Taeyeon was quick to do as ask without hesitance, since it was a day off from school. Hyoyeon on the other hand, decided to go to school.

Not because she didn't want to miss any of classes, but because if she stayed home that day she would be missing out on getting more information on her targets.

Anyways, it was currently early in the morning and Hyoyeon was, as usual, waiting for Tiffany. Lately, this has been happening. Tiffany makes Hyoyeon meet up with her every school morning so they could hang out before heading to school together. They usual meet up at the American girl's house, going there to watch TV, chat, or maybe enjoy breakfast Tiffany made on her own.

"Tippani..."Hyoyeon's voice was silent as she goes to look for the other girl, growing impatient since it's been a while. She heads over to Tiffany's room and gives a firm knock on the door.

"Ah!"A girlish voice was heard from the other side, with the sound of objects falling on the side. Tiffany opened the door quickly, giving Hyoyeon full view of what she was up to. "I'm sorry, are you getting tired of waiting..??"Tiffany questioned worriedly, a curling iron in her hand. She was in the middle of curling her hair.

"It's...fine."Hyoyeon nodded weirdly. "What's the occasion?"she asked, walking in since the other girl motioned for her to do so. Hyoyeon stood inside the pink colored room awkwardly and just watched as Tiffany went back to the mirror so she could finish curling her hair.

"Oh, nothing really. I just wanted to look nice today."Tiffany smiled. She finished curling her hair minutes later then proceeded to pull her uniform jacket on. "I'm ready to go."Tiffany turned to face Hyoyeon, her curls bouncing a little as she moved.

"Let's leave then, we only have a few minutes before classes start." Hyoyeon nodded as she started to walk out, Tiffany gave herself permission to cling to the blonde. No hesitance at all with this action.

"Lead the way~"



7:00 AM

The two make it to the school, just on time too. To their luck, the others were making their appearances at the front gates.

"Hey you two!"Yuri greeted, looking at the Hyofany couple. "Woah, you curled your hair today Fany?"

"Yea, just wanted to look nice today."Tiffany smiled as she unlatches from Hyoyeon's arm. "Morning girls."

"Morning."Sunny nodded. "Tiff, I usually see you and Hyoyeon walking to school together. Are your houses close to each other or something?"she motioned between the two with curiosity on her face.

"Ah, I guess you can say that."Tiffany nodded with a thoughtful look. "Not really that close though."

"Then how...??"

"She texts me to come over every morning."Hyoyeon pointed out with a nonchalant expression, informing Sunny of what actually happens.

"You go over to her house every morning? Is that why I don't see you with your bike anymore?"Sunny stared at Hyoyeon in awe as the blonde gave a slight nod.

"What do you two do? Alone in an empty house like that?"Yuri questioned, they all knew her intentions of asking that question. All of them except for Hyoyeon. Jessica elbows the dark skinned girl, annoyed at that point. "What? I'm just curious."

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