Chapter 38

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No one's POV

"Mm..." Ailee sighed heavily, hunched over her desk as she focused all her attention on a large stack of papers. Reading through each and every one closely to see if she could get a clue of what Seunghyun's next move might be.


"Jeong-su-oppa."Ailee flinched from the sudden call of her name and stood up quickly. Bowing her head towards the older man.

"I told you, you can just call me Leetuk."

"And I remember telling you that you can just call me Ailee."She rose a brow at the other before sitting back down in her seat. "You scared me."Ailee confessed, putting a hand over her chest and taking a deep breath.

"I could tell."Leetuk chuckled a bit, looking down at the papers as well. "Is that the information Kim Hyoyeon gave to us about that group?"

"Technically, yes. It's mostly talking about what they made HER do and how it all started."

"Every single detail?"

"Every one of it. Well, kind of. The page I'm on right now is talking about their trip to Japan and what she had to do there. Although she confessed that her memories for this trip were kind of altered so she doesn't know the actual details for this one."

"What about her previous stories?"

"She talked about going to New Jersey with--" Pause. "Kwon Bo Ah. But she said that she didn't do much there, it was only Kwon Bo Ah's mission. She was dragged alongside her. In another story, she talked about going to China. Various parts of the US. There's so much here." The woman dropped the stack of papers onto the desk and rubbed at her head in annoyance. "It's hard to pinpoint anything." she sighed, glancing at the mess on her desk now. Something on the desk catching her attention.

"Is something wrong?"Leetuk crossed his arms, noticing the change of Ailee's expression. He glances down at the large mess on the table and tried to follow Ailee's gaze to spot a picture.

Ailee picked the picture up hesitantly and analyzed it closely, her other hand grasping at another piece of paper. "Is my car outside...?"

"Ne. It's parked right in the front. Do you know them?"

Ailee put the picture back down and turned her attention to the other piece of paper. Her eyes widening in shock. "Kim Taeyeon." It was as if she figured something out, just from looking at a family picture of Taeyeon with her parents and brother. Ailee stood up, gathering the papers quickly and putting them into a stack. She lifted the pile up and shoved them into one of her bags. Leaving the family picture out, alongside the other piece of paper. "Do you have your gun?"

"Ne. Who is she??"Leetuk questioned again.

"She's one of Hyoyeon's friends." Ailee replied while handing the older man the bag full of papers. She then proceeded to exit her work room and to head towards the exit door. All eyes following her in confusion.

"What does she have to do with all of this???" Leetuk followed after her, the two quickly heading over to Ailee's car. Leetuk jumped into the passenger seat and was quick to pull his seat belt on tightly, knowing fully well how Ailee drives when she's in a rush. While Ailee slides into the drivers, giving no time as she revved the engine up and started the car.

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