| Chapter 1 |

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Chapter 1

A deep sigh escaped my lips as I, yet again, glimpsed at the clock. Oh, please. Tick faster.

Charlotte, sitting beside me, commenced chewing on her gum in a very obnoxious manner as our teacher continued unceasingly droning on. It consumed everything in my wellbeing not to snatch my things and bolt out of the classroom.

"Miss, can we please go home now?" a voice groaned from the back of the classroom.

Our teacher, Mrs. Jones, narrowed her eyes at him through her thick, circular glasses. Mrs. Jones, in all her glory, was a short, old woman who essentially made it her mission to torture high school students with excessive amounts of homework.

The fact that she had been divorced twice didn't particularly help with her resentment.

I can almost see why though. I mean, come on, look at her.

"There is one minute and approximately seventeen seconds of class left," she snapped.


"Speak another word and you'll get a detention next year." Without further ado, she went back to droning on and I reeled around in my seat, facing the guy who had the guts to speak up.

Alex Henderson.

He propped his chin in the palm of his right hand and gazed out the window, and since I had nothing better to do, I continued watching him. His gray eyes strayed to the clock, and before we knew it, the bell rang and he burst out of his seat like a hyena ready to attack its prey. "Bye, Felicia!"

Almost at once, students began gathering their things and rushing out of the classroom. Mrs. Jones declared that there was forty five seconds of class left and this time, I didn't even resist the urge to roll my eyes at her antics. Walking alongside Charlotte, I snorted in amusement as she brazenly flipped Mrs. Jones the bird, resulting in her to angrily splutter out choice curse words.

With my best friend, Charlotte, by my side, a small smile lined my lips as my eyes roamed around the hallway that was milling with students.

The last day of school.

A day almost every student looks forward to, due to having to pull all nighters and dealing with sadistic teachers.

"Honestly, I've been waiting for this day since I popped out of my mother's vagina," Charlotte informed me while eyeing a freshman, who even went as far as to spit on the ground and then casually walk out the exit.

A horde of people were blocking the exit, and I determined to join them. Grabbing Charlotte by her upper arm, I practically dragged her towards the school exit and made my way towards my car, seeing as we were carpooling.

"I'm going to pick up Gabriella."

"Your bratty cousin?" I sighed tiredly and nodded. That's the one. Charlotte nodded and propped her feet on the dashboard.

With a sigh, I drove through the cars until I reached South Fork Middle School that was located not too far from our school. Stepping out of the car, my hands flew up to shield my eyes as I attempted to find Gabriella. At last, I managed to spot her sitting along the school steps with a scowl decorating her features. Her scowl deepened as she noticed me making my way over towards her.

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