| Chapter 16 |

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A/N First outfit is Daniella's, second is Jasmine's, and the third is Delina's.

Chapter 16 (edited 19/8/2016)

"Okay," I nodded, taking a step back.

"Don't forget! If you're not showered by the time I'm there, I will rip your throat out with my bare hands, and then I will—," I cut Delina off by flexing on my heels and approaching Christopher's car. Opening the door, I climbed into his car and rubbed my cold hands together.

"Hurry up," I hissed, watching as Delina made her way towards the car. Obliging, Christopher pressed his foot down on the gas pedal and drove off. "God, how do you deal with her sometimes?"

Christopher offered a quiet scoff. "She's not that bad."

"Yeah, you're right," I muttered, wiping my palms against my jeans. We reached his house in a matter of minutes and I climbed out of the car, following him towards his house. I took a moment to gaze up at the night sky that was studded with stars, but then, I shook my head and stared at Christopher.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Twerking," he responded, lifting a cigarette to his lips.

"Okay, I'll leave you to it," I joked, nearing the front door. "Open the door." With a loud sigh, he fished his keys out of his pocket and inserted them into the lock. He moved to open the door at the same time that I lifted my hand and placed it on the door knob. Our hands met and I felt my cheeks heating up as I instantly removed them.

"Great, I now have AIDS," he muttered in disappointment. Flashing him a glare for being so ignorant, I pushed past him and made my way up the stairs. As soon as I arrived at my room, I closed the door behind me and began analyzing the way my heart thudded against my chest at our contact.

What was happening to me lately?

Breathing out a shaky sigh, I pushed these absurd thoughts to the back of my mind and flopped down on my bed. I better catch some sleep.

+ + +

A loud knock on the door broke my heated debate with Christopher. With one last glare, I whirled on my heels and headed towards the front door, swinging it open. On the other side, Delina stared at me through narrowed eyes and let herself in. "Your voices could be heard from outside."

I shrugged. "He's just being stupid, like always."

"Stop talking," Christopher murmured.

Delina snorted, shedding her coat off. "You still haven't finished your homework?"

Christopher shot me a pointed glare. "Well, someone was distracting me."

"It's not my fault that you like to rap to Iggy while I'm trying to watch."

Delina glanced between us with raised eyebrows. "You guys fight like a married couple."

I almost gasped while Christopher's neutral expression morphed into a facial expression of disgust. "You know that brown thing that comes out of your arse hole when you eat too much food?"

Delina nodded slowly. "Poop?"

He nodded, too. "Yeah, I would rather marry shit than marry that."

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