| Chapter 21 |

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A/N Guys, I've noticed that a lot of you hate Christopher, and I don't blame you. He's a dick head. But please give him a chance! He gets better, I swear! And he has his reasons.

Chapter 21

I let out a long yawn as I blinked up at the ceiling. I had been like this for approximately half an hour, though I never mustered up enough energy to drag myself out of bed. Of course, I spent the majority of the time scrolling through social media.

With another yawn, I hauled myself out of bed and trudged in the direction of the bathroom. I took a long, hot shower and then converted into a white sweater with black sweatpants. After throwing my hair into a careless bun, I tugged at the sleeves of my sweater and bounded down the stairs.

"Good morning," Lauren greeted me. I noted that she was wearing her work attire.

"Morning," I mumbled back, rubbing my eyes. In a slow paced manner, I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich with a glass of milk to go with it. Pushing past my father, I walked towards the living room and noticed Christopher sitting in the living room.

"Good morning," I spoke, placing my plate in front of me. Christopher's eyes flickered to the plate, before they landed on me.

"Hey," he responded quietly, flicking through his notebook in a bored manner.

"What are you doing?" I asked him after taking a bite of my cheesy sandwich.

"Revising for my exam," he told me with a shrug of the shoulders.

"Ah, I see," I nodded. "Break a leg." Christopher simply nodded in response and I resolved not to disturb him again, so I quietly ate my sandwich and drank my glass of milk. Once I finished, I went to stand up, but then I promptly sat back down as a loud gasp escaped my lips. How come I never noticed before?

Abort mission. I repeat, abort mission. Christopher lifted his head and offered me a confused stare. "What happened?"

"Oh, I think I saw a spider," I lied. I don't think Christopher would appreciate it if I informed him that I'm currently leaking blood through my clothes. What have I done to deserve this?

"If you saw a spider, wouldn't you want to escape the room instead of just sitting there?"

I definitely wasn't expecting that one. "I'm learning to embrace my fear of spiders," I nodded. "Can you get me some tissues, please?" With a sigh, Christopher grabbed a tissue box and flung it at me. It slapped against my face and I gave him a flat stare.

"That wasn't on purpose," he told me.

"Sure," I nodded sarcastically, grabbing a few tissues. "Can you...I mean, do you..." I groped with my words.

"Do I what?"

"Pass me that hoodie," I requested quite bluntly, nodding my head at his grey hoodie this was strewn across the back of the couch.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"The hoodie," I iterated. "Give it to me."

"But it's mine," he argued, gingerly grabbing the hoodie.

"But I want it." In a hesitant manner, Christopher handed me the hoodie and I inwardly smiled. I didn't expect him to give it to me. I was just about to ask him to kindly leave the room when he stood up and snatched his notebook. "Where are you going?"

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