| Chapter 29 |

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A/N Dedicated to tina_BSE_WCS for being one of my first readers. Your comments are so hilarious, like you. Thank you so much and stay gorgeous!

Cover to the side made by the infamous hoe named sum001. Isn't it so ugly?

Chapter 29

The following morning, I woke up around ten o'clock. After claiming a short shower, I quietly made my way down the hallway towards the living room.

Everybody else was sound asleep, therefore I resolved to quietly tiptoe towards the living room. I frowned. Where is everyone at? "Hey, Julia," I greeted Adam's mother, who walked over towards me with a load of laundry in her hands.

"Morning, Daniella," she greeted me with a vivid smile. She was basically the splitting image of Adam, with her blue eyes and black hair.

"Where's everyone?"

"They went to school." She paused, frowning. "Why?"

"Even Christopher?"

"No, Chris is upstairs sleeping. He didn't attend school today because he's sick. You might want to go wake him up." Nodding, I paced past her and jogged up the stairs, making my way over towards the room where Christopher slept in. I raised my fist and knocked on the door, waiting for a response.


Frowning, I twisted the doorknob and stepped inside, glancing around. My eyes fell on Christopher's sleeping body and I crept towards the bed in a deliberate manner. "Christopher?" I asked in a quiet voice, shoving him in a hesitant manner.

He didn't really respond.

"Christopher, you're late for school."

Christopher let out a low, quiet moan as he buried his face in his pillow. "I'm not going today," he muttered into his pillow.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to go."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I slowly nodded. "Oh." He didn't respond and instead, turned to face me with half lidded eyes. His hair was messed up and his cheeks sported a slight rosy colour.

"You're hot," I blurted.

His eyes widened for a moment and I hastily shook my head. "N-no! I mean, your temperature is high." I placed a hand on his forehead for emphasis to find out that he really was hot.

In both ways.

Christopher slowly grabbed my hand and positioned it on my lap, shifting in his bed. Once he fully sat up, a strangle gasp escaped my lips.

He was shirtless.

"Uh, you're not wearing a shirt!" I blurted, feeling heat rush to my cheeks as I eyed his abs. 

Christopher furrowed his eyebrows as he stared down at his bare chest. "Yes, I'm aware. Do you want me to put one on?"

"No," I blurted before hastily shaking my head. "I mean, if you want to, then yeah. But if you don't want to, I'm okay with that. Wait, that sounded creepy, I mean—."

"Daniella, shut up," Christopher groaned as he stood up. My eyes followed his muscular back as he bent down and riffled through his duffel bag. He drew out a gray shirt and I took one final glimpse at his abs before he slid the shirt over his head. "Who knew me being shirtless would do that to you?"

"I'm pretty sure you'd do the same if I was shirtless too. If not, faint in the spot," I scoffed.

His brows furrowed as he propped his arms on his hips. "Where is this newfound confidence coming from?"

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