| Chapter 28 |

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A/N Here's your Christmas present! Ah, that sounded so lame.

I noticed that whenever Chris does something nice, the Chris hate club keeps quiet, but the second he makes a rude remark, they quickly attack him.

You guys have to understand that he's been through a lot, and I will give him some character development. You can't expect him to warm up to Daniella in the fifth chapter. Personally, I hate stories that move too fast.

Are you a Chraniella shipper or a Dason shipper? Comment your thoughts below.

Dedicated to Sleeping_Sxrens for being such a supportive reader. Your comments honestly put a smile on my face. Thank you so much for reading this and recommending it to others.

One last thing, do you guys like long chapters or short ones? I feel like some people skip over some paragraphs in long chapters...

Edited 3/12/2016

Chapter 28

The next morning, I quietly slipped out of my room and tugged at the sleeves of my sweater. In all honesty, I was scared of Christopher's reaction. What if he goes back to ignoring me again? I don't think I can handle it.

Let's just hope that he's over it, and if he isn't, I'll simply remind him that he was the one who initiated the kiss first. That's a reasonable excuse, right?

I was also optimistic about the fact that his attitude would change towards me. I mean, yesterday he apologized, so I suppose that must say something within itself.

I entered the kitchen at a languid pace and then managed to catch a glimpse of Christopher sitting at the kitchen table. Thankfully, he hadn't noticed me yet, so I slowly backed away in hopes that I could run far, far away. While I was in the process of taking a step back, his voice stopped me. "Really, Daniella?"

I daubed on an innocent smile. "Hi."

"I'm not going to kill you or anything," he rolled his eyes and I awkwardly nodded, shuffling over towards him. I lowered myself on a stool situated in front of him and studied his face. As expected, he was decked out in his school uniform.

He was staring down at his plate, well aware of my gaze on him. "Can I help you?" he cocked an eyebrow, pushing away his empty plate.

"Um..." I trailed off, directing my gaze to the plate. "We kissed," I blurted out after a moment of brief silence. Christopher froze for a second, and for a moment there, I genuinely thought he'd jump over the table and throttle me.

Don't be dramatic.

He fumbled out a quiet breath from his mouth and nodded with his eyes trained to the table. "I know."

"Why'd you kiss me?" I furthered, resisting the temptation to punch myself. Well, I've already said it; might as well get some answers from him.

"Because I wanted to," he shrugged.

My eyebrows furrowed. "Why'd...you want to?"


I nodded, brushing aside the feeling of utter disappointment that settled within me. What was I really expecting? For him to admit his nonexistent feelings for me? "Oh...alright."

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