| Chapter 23 |

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A/N I'm thinking about deleting this story because I'm not happy with it :/ oh, well. This chapter is boring because I lacked motivation. But, hopefully, if I gain motivation, I'll write a good chapter next (that's if I continue this).

Chapter 23

The following morning, I woke up to the sound of the T.V loudly sounding across the room. With a quiet sigh, I peeked out of the covers and stared at the T.V screen with a flat look on my face. Grown Ups? Seriously?

I tried to move my legs, but I couldn't. With a frown, I attempting to wriggle my way out of the blanket but discovered that I was trapped under something. What the hell? Peeking up, I managed to spot Christopher curled up in a ball at the end of the couch, his sleeping body resting against my feet.

"Christopher," I hissed, experiencing a sharp pang of guilt. Did he sleep here? "Wake up." I recently discovered that Christopher was a heavy sleeper, which explained why he wasn't waking up.

"Christopher," I muttered between gritted teeth, sitting upright. A few moments later, his eyes popped open and he peeked up at me, his hair riffled up and his lips slightly parted.

"Ah," he rasped in a morning voice, propping himself on his elbow and cupping his neck. "My neck hurts like a bitch."

"Did you sleep here?" I asked as soon as he hauled himself up.

He shrugged tiredly. "I think." Throwing the covers off me, I stood up from the couch and patted the pillow.

"Go back to sleep," I requested as soon as I took notice of his eye bags.

With a nod, he dragged himself towards the same spot I slept in and dropped himself down in the couch. He grabbed the covers and threw them over him before drifting off to sleep. How did people sleep so fast? It consumes me half an hour to get the right position in order to sleep.

In a hurried manner, I jogged up the stairs, mainly because I didn't want to humiliate myself by showing my morning face. I'm one hundred percent certain that my hair resembled a birds nest, not to mention that I may or may have not drooled yesterday night.

After taking an immensely long shower and brushing my teeth, I was about to enter the living room had I not heard hushed voices speaking among themselves. "Yeah, I get it," came Christopher's quiet voice.

I peeked out from behind the door and spotted Christopher sitting in front of his mother, who stood in front of him with her hands on her hips. "There will be no parties whatsoever. Do you hear me?"

"When have I ever thrown a party?" Christopher replied back. I'm assuming Lauren fed him a flat look, because he rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Okay, that was only once." That statement piqued my curiosity. Who would've known?

"No, thrice—."

"—who even uses that word anymore?" Christopher muttered under his breath, resting his head against the back of the couch and closing his eyes. I'm assuming he's still sleepy and exhausted.

"—I will not be held responsible for your immaturity. If you throw a party, you might as well start packing your things, Christopher. And also, your father will be looking after you while I'm gone, as well as Daniella's mother and her father. If they report me about your childish behavior, you'll be grounded for twelve months."

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