| Chapter 25 |

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A/N A day earlier than expected woohoo! This chapter is dedicated to @tearinmayaheart for being a dedicated reader.

thank you to TheUnicornEmoji for the gorgeous cover! it's beautiful.

Chapter 25

I've recently came to the conclusion that Christopher doesn't like me back. And to be fair, it doesn't bother me as much as it should.

Who am I kidding? It bothered me a lot. Truth is, it made me question myself. Was I just not good enough? I mean, when you compare me to him, I'm certainly not good enough.

I managed to catch a few hours of sleep, but other than that, I kept tossing and turning. I didn't bother looking through my presents, but now that it was six o'clock in the morning and I had nothing better to do, I resolved to get started on them. So with a sigh, I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed the pile of presents, dumping them on my bed.

Let's get this started right, shall we?

I threw my hair into a sloppy bun before going through my presents. The first one contained a note inside which read: 'Happy birthday, sweet cheeks. From your best friend for ever and ever and ever, Delina.' The corner of my lips twitched upwards as I pulled out a sweater with the words 'I love Vegemite' imprinted on them. A short laugh escaped my lips as I folded the sweater and put it to the side.

The next birthday present was from Jasmine, who also handed me a note. 'Wear this for Chris ;). Happy birthday, Dani!' I wanted to sigh as I spotted the black piece of lingerie inside. My cheeks heated up as I threw the lingerie at the back of my closet. I'd have to do a lot of explaining if somebody spotted that.

The next birthday present was from Mason, which was a charm bracelet that contained the letter 'D' hanging from it. I clasped it around my wrist and then titled my head to the side, admiring its beauty. It looked rather expensive. Mason also went as far as to write a letter, which I decided to read after I finished examining the charm bracelet. 'Happy birthday, Dani.' He drew a small smiley face at the end, causing a wide smile to appear on my face.

I ended up looking through the remainder of my birthday presents, which caused smiles to appear on my face from time to time. Most of them were from my parents, while the other ones were from Christopher's family and his friends.

At last, one present laid and I snatched it, laying it on my lap. In a hurried manner, I unwrapped the wrappers and gazed down at a small box positioned there. I furrowed my eyebrows as I opened the box to reveal a silver necklace. My lips curved into a wide smile, and the smile eventually morphed into a grin.

He remembered. My eyes caught sight of a note, so I picked it up and allowed my eyes to skim through the words. 'Happy seventeenth birthday, Daniella. From, Chris. P.S. This cost me a fortune, so you better wear it.' He ended his small speech with a drawing of an angry face and I resisted the temptation to chuckle.

I grabbed the necklace and stared down at it with a smile. I specifically remember spotting this particular necklace at Myers, but since it was so expensive, I didn't buy it. I guess Christopher spotted me eyeing it like a piece of candy.

I'll wear this every day, Christopher, I promised. Hauling myself off bed, I stood in front of the mirror and wrapped the necklace around my neck. I figured I'd start wearing it later on in the day, after I take a shower. With a sigh, I turned back to face my bed that was scattered with wrappers.

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