| Chapter 2 |

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Chapter 2

"Charlotte, I can't be bothered." I added an admittedly melodramatic sigh to the end of my sentence.

"Oh, come on! What are you planning to do at home? Stalk Aiden on Facebook?" she snorted in amusement, and I simply shook my head at her. She never let me live down by the fact that Aiden Davis - an admittedly attractive and popular guy - had a crush on me.

"No one even goes on Facebook anymore," I told her while painting my toenails.

"Shut up."

I heaved out a sigh. "Fine." Without waiting for an answer, I hung up on her and hurled the phone onto my bed. After my toenails dried up, I shifted into a fresh set of clothes and bounded down the stairs.

I spotted Gabriella sitting on the couch with a tub of mint chocolate ice cream placed in front of her, so I kicked the back of the couch and waited for her to acknowledge my presence. With an annoyed sigh, she turned her head to face me with an arched eyebrow. "What's up?" I asked her, walking around the couch and snatching a handful of chips from her. "You're so fat."

"Get away from me."

Shrugging, I twirled my keys around as I walked outside and approached my car. I climbed into the car and began driving towards Charlotte's decent sized house. Once I spotted her kneeling down beside the mailbox with her butt in the air, a smirk dotted my lips as I slammed my hand down on the horn.

With a shriek, Charlotte spun around with wide, frantic eyes, searching for the source of noise. As soon as she located my car, her confused expression morphed into a look of annoyance as she stomped her way to the car. "Hi," I grinned.

"You're annoying."

I nodded and started up the engine. "Good to know."

I cringed as Charlotte began wailing along to the song that was playing. "It's so sad to think about the good times. You and I," she attempted to sing, and I offered a wince. Confessedly, the both of us weren't great singers.

Well, at least I acknowledge it.

"I don't see the point in this. Why waste money when you have a free site called Netflix?"

"Because I'm already bored of my house," Charlotte responding, rolling down the window.

With an annoyed sigh, I continued driving in silence until we reached the movie theatres. I parked my car alongside a blue one and furrowed my eyebrows. "Hey...isn't that Beckett's car?" I squinted through the dark.

"No," Charlotte quickly denied, exiting the car. Confused, I followed her and felt a bead of sweat trickle down my neck. Well, isn't that attractive.

I followed Charlotte into the cinema and spotted a couple longingly gaze up at each other like a pair of love sick puppies. Lowering my gaze, I held back a loud snort at their identical shirts and instead, opted to fold my arms and position them on the countertop.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the couple trod out of the cinema and I took one last glance at their matching shirts.

He's my bae!

And she's my bae!

Isn't that so sweet? They were that couple.

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