| Chapter 18 |

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Chapter 18

The following week went by in the blink of the eye.

I hadn't talked to Mason much, but that's probably because he was mourning over the death of his sister. During that week, her anniversary came up and of course, I decided to visit her as well as our other friends. I refrained from asking him how she died, mostly because I didn't want to seem ignorant or inquisitive.

As for Delina, we now and then spoke, but she was very busy with school and all. I hadn't seen much of Jasmine either, to be honest. After visiting Mason's sister, Mariah, we didn't see each other for the rest of the week.

And as for Adam, I'm not going to lie by saying that I brought the topic up again, but as usual, he ignored me. I was going to speak to him about it today. I'm not willing to give up. In all honestly, he's acting mildly petty.

The beneficial thing is that Christopher wasn't acting as apoplectic as usual. In fact, he managed to tone down on his incessant sarcasm and acerbic wit. But then again, there was still a trace of annoyance lingering in his tone every time I'd address him. Old habits die hard, right?

"Do you think Mason's okay?" I had asked him yesterday.

His action of texting faltered, and he had blinked. "I hope."

Today, I had been feeling exhausted since we went to a few points of interests in Melbourne. Of course, it gave me the chance to revive the loss of my pictures. "What's the date?" I asked Christopher, who was causally laying on the couch. His legs were too long to fit, so he concluded to place them atop of the couch's arm.

With a sigh, he went to fish his phone out of his pocket, his tongue slightly poking out of his mouth. "It's the first of July," he responded after a moment of him attempting to squeeze his fingers in the pocket of his skinny jeans. "Why?"

"I can't believe we've been here for a month." I couldn't grasp the fact that meeting Christopher and his family; him losing my camera, going to the bonfire; visiting the amusement park and losing his brother; meeting Mason; catching a cold; going to Sydney; and attending Mason's birthday party all happened in the span of a month.

"Yeah, I'm just happy about the fact that you're going to leave in a month or more," Christopher muttered under his breath.

Ignoring his pungent comment, I crossed my legs. "My birthday's in a two weeks or less."

"Congratulations," he muttered with an eye roll.

"Are you going to get me anything?"


"Why not? That's what friends do."

"Yeah, but you see, we're not friends." He spoke in a tone that indicated I was stupid.

That was the end of our lovely conversation.

+ + +

"What are you planning on doing in your summer holiday?" I inquired, lifting the spoon to my mouth.

Delina made a face. "Sleep until four in the afternoon."

I simply nodded and offered a smile. "How productive."

She flicked her hair. "I know; I'm such a role model."

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