| Chapter 6 |

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Chapter 6

I blinked up at the ceiling, yet not completely over what occurred yesterday. When I broke down the news to my mother, she practically screeched in horror. Of course, I decided to take the blame instead of ratting Christopher out.

Dragging out a sigh, I rolled on my side and caught sight of a see through bowl. With furrowed eyebrows, I picked up the note that was posted to it and allowed my eyes to skim the note.

'Good morning,' it read.

"What the...?" My words came to a complete halt as I made out the gigantic spider entrapped beneath the bowl. Letting out a shrill shriek, I stupidly kicked the bowl and watched as the spider scurried away. "We've got a spider on the loose!" I wailed, jumping onto my bed.

All of a sudden, the door flung open to reveal a sleepy looking Christopher. He wearily rubbed his eyes and kept a hand on the door handle. "What's going on?" he asked in a deep, husky tone. Given the circumstances, I shouldn't have focused on Christopher's morning voice, but as a teenage girl with hormones, it's safe to say that I did.

"There's a spider in my room!" I cried, watching as Christopher began laughing with his hands immersed into his face. My eyebrows furrowed as I mulled over what could possibly be so funny during a time like this. Once I eventually figured it out, I shot Christopher a death glare.

"You did this?"

Christopher nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence without coming to a complete halt because of his sudden laughing fit. I took hold of the nearest object beside me - which turned out to be a tissue box - and flung it at Christopher. He promptly closed the door behind him as his laughter echoed around the hallway, mocking me in the process.


"Christopher, come back and get it out of my room!"

Before long, as I had set camp on my bed, Christopher opened the door with his mother's high heels in one of his hands and I let go of a deep sigh at his foolish behaviour. He begun scrutinizing the room while I'd try my best not to shamelessly stare at his butt every time he'd lean down.

"Found it," he announced after quite a while. Grabbing the bowl, he gently slid it over towards the spider and entrapped it underneath the bowl.

"Why don't you just kill it?" I demanded in a baffled tone.

Christopher paused and furrowed his eyebrows. "Why should I? It didn't do anything to you." He slid the bowl across the room until he reached the door. I watched intently as he shut the door behind him and then sighed, sitting back down on the bed. My eyes roved around the room in paranoia, seeing as I still was convinced that there was a spider in my room.

I hurriedly jumped off my bed and grabbed a fresh set of clothes, bolting into the bathroom. As soon as I finished showering and brushing my teeth, I galloped down the stairs with two effortless bounds and fixed my self a bowl of cereal.

"Is anyone here?" Shrugging, I sat on a stool and commenced slurping unattractively on my cereal.

Briefly, Christopher entered the kitchen in a effortless manner and I narrowed my eyes at him. "You have the nerve to show up here."

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