| Chapter 27 |

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A/N Merry early Christmas to anyone who celebrates it! I myself, don't, but who cares? I hope you receive tons of presents! Anyway, enjoy the chapter because I really enjoyed writing it. This chapter is dedicated to fxercebxtch for being an avid and amazing reader. Your comments make me laugh.

Oh, and, if somebody like Christopher treats you that way, do not develop feelings for him. I wrote the first parts of this story when I was twelve, and I was really stupid (still am). Don't gain feelings for somebody who causes you emotional, physical, or verbal abuse, okay?

MAKE HIM UNABLE TO REPRODUCE IF HE DOES SO. Girls need to be treated better! The same goes for guys, too.

Sorry for the rant. I needed to get that off my chest, considering how much hate Christopher has been getting. I don't blame y'all, to be honest.


But if he kisses you,
Will your mouth read his truth?
Darling how he misses you,
Strawberries taste as lips do.
- Ed Sheeran, Little Bird.

Chapter 27

"Christopher, are you sure about this?" I hollered as I attempted to catch up with him. I was by no means abiding by my rules. The rules were to ignore his existence until I go back to America, but did I stick by them?



Because I'm pathetic.

Christopher paused in his tracks and traced out a sigh. "Don't make me regret it. Just do what I say."

My eyes travelled around his face and I nodded. "Okay." We both rose into his car and I remained silent as he started up the engine.

As we halted at a red light, Christopher began chewing on his nails and I scrunched up my nose. As much as I liked him, that was a disgusting habit. Without thinking too much into it, I reached over and grabbed his hand, slowly setting it back on the steering wheel.

He glanced at me with confusion and I handed him a pointed look. "Don't do that; it's disgusting." His eyes wandered around my face for a moment and then he gave me a hard nod, turning back to face the front window.

A comfortable silence engulfed us, but there was still a tinge of uneasiness to it. To be fair, I was still shocked that Christopher proposed such an absurd idea. Exactly how long has he been thinking about this? "How long have you been wanting to do this?"

He gave out a tired sigh as he ran a hand through his hair, messing it up in the process. "A couple of weeks, to be honest."

"You can do it, Christopher," I reassured him. He only nodded in response and continued driving. We entered an unfamiliar neighborhood and average sized houses came into view. It was almost nothing compared to the neighborhood Christopher lived in.

Slowly, his car rolled to a stop in front of a two storey house. I peered out the front window, squinting at the house stood in front of us. Its lawn was freshly cut and embellished with a few trees. "This is it?" I asked him and he nodded as he fixedly stared at it. "I'll wait for you here."

Christopher was drawn out of his wistful reverie as he glanced over at me. "Lock all the doors behind me, okay?"


"Because you might get snatched off by a killer clown," he replied as he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door. Once he closed it, he leaned down and stared at me through the window, gesturing for me to lock the doors.

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